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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines MA613 Taxation Law School Business Course Name Bachelor of Business Unit Code MA613 Unit Title Taxation Law Trimester 1/2020 Assessment Author Mr David...

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

MA613 Taxation Law



Course Name

Bachelor of Business

Unit Code


Unit Title

Taxation Law



Assessment Author

Mr David Parker

Assessment Type


Assessment Title

Research Assignment

Unit Learning OutcomesAddressed:

Purpose: To read and report on a Tax Ruling by the ATO.

•The purpose of the assignment is to encourage students to access the considerable the resources of the ATO by using the internet.•Students are to choose from one of the topics and find a ruling or rulings on that topic and make some pertinent comment from a reading of information supplied by the ATO.•The topics suggested are part of the course to be taught this semester.



Total Marks


Word limit


Release Date

May 20, 2020

Due Date

Friday 12thJune2020at12PM.

Submission Guidelines

•All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date(as above)along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.•The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. •Reference sources must be cited in the text of theAssessment Task, and listed appropriately at the end in aReferenceList using APA6theditionforthe School ofBusiness.


If an extension of time to submit work is required, an Application for Special Consideration and supporting documentation must be submittedonlineviayourAcademic Management System (AMS)login:

The Application for Special considerationmustbesubmittedno later than three(3)working days after the due date of the specific piece of assessment or the examination for which you are seeking Special Consideration. In the case of serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship or trauma students may be granted special consideration.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.


Taxation Law MA613


Individual assignment

Thisis an individualassignment,students are able to research this assignment online. Submission will be online.

Writing should be no more than 2,000 works, and can take the format of a report, whereby the 5 different questions are answered.

Due Date: Friday 12thJune, 2020.

Individualassignment 20%

Purpose: To read and report on a Tax Ruling by the ATO.

•The purpose of the assignment is to encourage students to access the considerable the resources of the ATO by using the internet.•Students are to choose from one of the topics and find a ruling or rulings on that topic and make some pertinent comment from a reading of information supplied by the ATO.•The topics suggested are part of the course to be taught this semester.•Marks will be given on the basis of a student’s:➢Evidence of reading and understanding of the topic➢The making of relevant comments on important aspects of the topic➢Presentation and expression in each response.

Choose from one of the following topics

1.IT 2556Tax ruling regarding travel deductions with an accompanying spouse.2.TR 93/30Tax ruling regarding the deductions for the use of a home office.3.TR 97/12Tax ruling regarding the use of work-related clothing.4.TR 2000/7Tax ruling regarding Membership of Professional Associations.5.TR 98/9Tax ruling regarding self-education expenses.

Students are to answer each of the following 5 questions

1.Explainessentially what the ruling is about under taxation law principles.2.Explain the issue addressed by this ruling,iewhy is there a ruling on this topic, are there particular arguments over the topic matter between the ATO and individual taxpayers?3.What common law or existing legislation does the ruling refer to? Explain briefly.4.Did the ruling give examples, and clearly explain the issues and how the ruling determines the law?5.How useful is this ruling for tax planning purposes?

Submitting assessments

All written assessments are to be submitted via the Unit site on the Online Learning System (OLS) by the due date and time given in the Assessment Overview. Unit lecturers will provide instructions and in-class demonstration of the submission process prior to the due date for the first assessment in the Unit. Students who experience technical issues when attempting to submit their assignment via the OLS should immediately contact technical support or the website for assistance

Late submission of assessments

Written assessments that are submitted after the due date and time published in this Unit of Study Guide will receive a penalty of 10% of the maximum available mark per working day. Exceptions to this will only be granted where a student has requested and been granted an extension to the assignment due date in advance, or where an application for Special Consideration has been granted (see Section 4, Policies).

Receiving marks for assessments

Students will normally be notified of marks for individual assignments via the OLS. All student results for an individual assessment item will be released concurrently. Marks will normally be returned within two weeks of the assessment being submitted. Students will be notified if there is to be a delay to the release of marks for an assignment.

MarkingCriteria andRubric

Met requirements of the learning outcomes a,b ,c, d, and eto an excellent level

(80 to 100%)

Met requirementof the learning outcomes a,b ,c, d, and eto a very good level

(70 to 79%)

Metrequirementofthe learning outcomes a, b ,c, d, and eto agood level

(60 to 69%)

Metrequirementofthe learning outcomes a, b ,c, d, and etoasatisfactorylevel

(50 to 59%)

Did not met requirement

(0 to 49%)

5 Marks

Fully researched and thoroughly covered all Requirements in depth and detail

Soundly researched and covered all points

A good development of all points

All pointswere covered

Did not cover all points

5 Marks

Fully researched and thoroughly covered all Requirements in depth and

Soundly researched and covered all points

A good development of all points

All pointswere covered

Did not cover all points

5 Marks

Fully researched and thoroughly covered all Requirements in depth and

Soundly researched and covered all points

A good development of all points

All pointswere covered

Did not cover all points

5 Marks

Proper structure language and grammar andfull evidence of supporting research

Proper structure and language and goodevidence of research

Basic structure and grammar andevidence of research

Readable language

Some evidence of research

Poor grammar and little or no research

Grand Total Mark (Out of 40)

Unit Mark Contribution (Out of 20%)


AssessmentCover Sheet

Student ID Number/s:

Student Surname/s:

Given name/s:



Unit code:

Unit title:

Due date:

Date submitted:




Answered Same Day May 29, 2021


Rithik answered on Jun 03 2021
152 Votes
Running Head: MA613 TAXATION LAW                                    1
MA613 TAXATION LAW         7
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1. Ruling under the Taxation Law Principles    3
2. Issue Addressed by this Ruling    4
3. Common Law or Existing Legislation Refe
ed To by the Ruling    4
4. If the Ruling Gave Examples, Explained the Issues and Determined the Law    5
5. Usefulness of this Ruling for Tax Planning Purposes    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
The IT 2556 TAX is based on purchasing or taking the spouse from in, according to the modern times and the social customs is that the assessee is allowed to take two wives with their respective of two officers. On the other side, the foreign travel with the two wives along with the two customs officers and from that the expenditure, which is going to incur from it that would not become in a claimed deduction. Previously mentioned that is solely based on the betterment for the accompanying spouse as far as the itinerary is concerned, and that particular foreign tour could not be treated in an allowable deduction.
1. Ruling under the Taxation Law Principles
Under taxation law principles, this ruling is considered under sections under section 37 and section 37 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. In the states of expenses of foreign tour contributions, levies and subscriptions, which are paid by those individuals, who were tour in the markets, business and expenditure associates, who are making effort to take their business to the next level. The spouses who are getting pension related to their work, which they dedicated their multiple numbers of years into the particular service or a company.
The assessee who was working for their own in that particular work there were no strings attached on it there was only a person who is responsible for their actions, whether that actions convert into positive or negative in other words profit or losses. In that taxation principle, there are two amendments, which come under section 37 whereas, under section 37, the act refers to the payment of the spouse, in which any sort of the spouse, the business wants to expand their services to the greater level. Meanwhile, it did not include the payment of expenses of the foreign tour and under section 37 act is a very significant action in order to expand their overall services (Raftery, 2019).
This is very useful for top pioneer business associates or expenditure real estate associates because at a certain point in time they were looking for the huge amount of spouse or partnership that will go to help so much in order to expand their business. On the other level, that leads to facilitate the revenue outcomes of the particular company. On the other side, the act implies that opt for the periodic subscription for the business travel and expenditure associates. The under section 37 act is all the way different from the earlier act. Under section 37 act implies the periodic subscription.
It means taking or opting for a subscription for the particular point of time and so this is also less worth as terms of profitability, but meanwhile, the ultimate focus if this act also to promote or enhance the business for the business executives, travel representative, and expenditure associates to the next level. Although the main agenda of the act is to provide the assistance to the advantage of trying many subscriptions at the particular point of time and after avail, that particular subscription the one, which was sound for the company has to have opted (Pratt, 2019).
2. Issue Addressed by this Ruling
In this particular tax amendment, the issue, which is addressed by this ruling, is that in this act of tax there is no sort of expense of foreign tourists comes in a deduction. On the other hand, the assessee does not come in an allowable deduction there is a certain sort of limit, which is fixed by the jurisdiction, which is only up to a maximum of the deduction is the chargeable association in respect of the person belongs and it is allowable under section 37 of the act. The reason behind the ruling on this topic is those periodic subscriptions if paid by a person, who are engaged in...

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