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Assessment 3 Start Assignment Due Fridayby10:00 Points 45 Submitting a file upload Available 2 Feb at 0: XXXXXXXXXXMay at...

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Assessment 3

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Assignment3:Reflective Essay

2000 words (+ / - 10%)

45% weighting

Due before Week 13 Friday 3rd May 2024 by 1000am


Aboriginal health is defined as "not just the physical well-being of an individual but…the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole Community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being, thereby bringing about the total well-being of theirCommunity. It is a whole-of-life view and includes the cyclical concept of life-death-life."(National Aboriginal Health Strategy,1989).

In relation to the above definition of health, articulate how cultural identity influences the health equity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Within your discussion, reflect on your learning in 7434 this semester sharing insights into how your understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has evolved.

Presentation Guidelines:

  • This assignment is to be written in essay style format with an introduction,bodyand conclusion (headings not required).

  • Use offirst personwriting style is acceptable for the reflection portion of the essay.

  • Helpful resources to assist with essay writing can be found at

Document formatting requirements include:

  • a cover page stating thecourse enrolled in,unit number, unit title, assignment title, student number, actual word count of the paper submitted (not the assigned word count)and thereferencing style utilised.

  • text should be 12 point and double spaced with 2.5 cm margins

  • each page is to be numbered

  • reference list should commence on a new pagewithallresource materials appropriately attributed


7434 Assignment 3 Rubric

7434 Assignment 3 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Depth of analysis and reflection.
Students are required to reflect on their learning and
discuss a new idea they have learnt this semester that has changed the way they understand the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Excellent exploration of the implications of arguments or evidence in new contexts or in particularly thoughtful, insightful, and/or original ways. Paper shows a nuanced grasp of theoretical perspectives and demonstrates the ability to apply these principles with facility to reflect and reveal a personal narrative that integrates an understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Very Good

Very good exploration of theoretical perspectives and principles to reflect and reveal a personal narrative that integrates an understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Good exploration of theoretical perspectives and principles to reflect and reveal a personal narrative that integrates an understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Adequate exploration of theoretical perspectives and principles to reflect and reveal a personal narrative that integrates an understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Unsatisfactory exploration of theoretical perspectives and principles and / or inadequate personal narrative and / or inadequate understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples articulated.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Students are required to link this
reflection to discuss their
understanding of how cultural
identity and
understanding influence health

to >8.5


Clearly and eloquently identifies a demonstrable and nuanced central argument Provides the reader with a clear sense of the nature of evidence that will follow. Reveals the organizational structure of the paper. Guides the reader smoothly and logically into the body of the paper.

to >6.5

Highly Competent

A demonstrable central argument. Gives the reader a reasonably good sense of the nature of evidence that will follow.

to >5.0

Fairly Competent:

Although demonstrable, the argument is not stated sufficiently clearly. (and/or…) Does not guide the reader throughout the paper.

to >0

Not Yet Competent

There is no discernable argument and /or the argument does not provide evidence of an understanding of how cultural identity and understanding influence health equity


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Students are required to support
their argument by referencing using APA 7 style, including hanging indent reference list,
and acknowledging the material
/ lectures/
reading/ tutorials or other
experiences that framed this
new learning.

to >8.5


Evidence used to support the central point is rich, detailed and well chosen. Evidence sections employ appropriate illustrations and/or quotations. The connection between argument and evidence is clearly and compellingly articulated in all cases. (Where applicable) Important opposing evidence (i.e. evidence that might seem to contradict your argument) is considered and convincingly refuted.

to >6.5

Highly Competent

Evidence used to support the central point is well chosen, though not particularly rich or detailed. The connection between argument and evidence is clearly articulated. (Where applicable) Some opposing evidence is considered and refuted.

to >5.0

Fairly Competent:

Connection between argument and evidence is not clearly articulated in all cases.

to >0

Not Yet Competent

Evidence used does not clearly support the main argument. (and/or…) (Where applicable) Important opposing evidence is ignored, thereby weakening the central argument.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Evidence and referencing
Relevant and contemporary literature resourced and utilised to support discussion.
Appropriate referencing style.



Excellent range of relevant, contemporary and appropriate literature resourced and integrated into discussion. Appropriately formatted Reference list provided. No errors in referencing and no unreferenced claims.


Very Good

Very good range of relevant, contemporary and appropriate literature resourced and used well to support discussion. Appropriately formatted Reference list provided with only minor errors in referencing.



Good range of relevant and contemporary literature resourced and used to support discussion. Reference list provided with some errors in referencing.



Adequate range of relevant, contemporary and appropriate literature resourced and used to support discussion. Quality of references may be questionable. Reference list provided but multiple errors in either in-text references and/or reference list.



Unsatisfactory range of literature resourced and / or inappropriate literature resourced. Discussion not supported by literature / references lacking. Incorrect referencing style .


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Format, Writing, Presentation and Word limit
Essay style written assignment with clear introduction, body and conclusion; Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax; Presentation / formatting guidelines and word limit adhered to; Appropriate capitalisation and use of culturally sensitive language as taught in this unit.



Presentation as per instructions, essay format with clear introduction, body and conclusion; Excellent standard of academic writing with correct grammar, spelling and syntax. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10%


Very good

Presentation according to instructions; minor issues with essay format; few errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling, Minor editing and revision required. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10%



Presentation according to instructions; some issues with essay format; Some errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling limited editing and revision required Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10%



Presentation according to instructions; many issues with essay format; Many errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10%



Not presented according to instructions and / or substantial errors with essay format / grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling and/or word count not adhered to.


Total points:45

Answered 2 days After Apr 26, 2024


P answered on Apr 28 2024
9 Votes
A reflective essay on holistic approach to promote Aboriginal Health
The comprehensive comprehension of wellbeing inside Native people group, as expressed by the Public Native Wellbeing Methodology (1989), rises above ordinary definitions to envelop social, close to home, and social aspects. This multi-layered approach perceives that prosperity is unpredictably connected to the safeguarding and articulation of social character. As of late, a rising collection of contemporary examination has enlightened the significant impact of social personality on the wellbeing value of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people groups.
Physical dimension
Obviously, actual wellbeing is a principal part of Aboriginal well-being. Notwithstanding, measurements uncover an unsettling difference among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians regarding wellbeing results. The Australian Foundation of Wellbeing and Government assistance (AIHW) reports that Native and To
es Waterway Islander people groups experience a higher weight of ongoing infections like diabetes, coronary illness, and respiratory sicknesses contrasted with the more extensive populace (AIHW, 2023). These a
erations are established in different variables, including social determinants of wellbeing like destitution, deficient lodging, and restricted admittance to socially proper medical care administrations (Perusing, 2017). For example, research by the Social Determinants of Wellbeing and Value Organization (SDHEN) (2015) features the connection among neediness and restricted admittance to quality food decisions. This can prompt a higher gamble of heftiness and constant illnesses like diabetes. Likewise, the absence of socially safe medical services conditions can prompt Native individuals feeling estranged and reluctant to look for precaution care (Dudgeon et al., 2013)
The interconnection between the social and profound prosperity
The NAHS definition reaches out past the actual domain, perceiving the basic job of social and profound prosperity in Native wellbeing. Native societies are portrayed by areas of strength for an of local area and association with genealogical land (Dudgeon et al., 2014). Connection frameworks and local area life are vital to Native character and prosperity (Parker and Milroy, 2014). Nonetheless, verifiable injury
ought about by dispossession, constrained osmosis, and progressing social underestimation significantly affects social and profound prosperity (Dudgeon et al., 2014).
The impacts of intergenerational injury, went down through families and networks, are clear in higher paces of psychological wellness issues and substance maltreatment inside Native populaces (Parker and Milroy, 2014). Tending to these difficulties requires an all-encompassing methodology that thinks about the verifiable setting and the significance of social association and social personality in healing.
Impact of culture
Culture goes about as the foundation of Aboriginal health. Conventional information frameworks, otherworldly convictions, and association with the land are not simply social practices; they are principal parts of wellbeing and prosperity (Lowitja Institute, 2019). These practices advance a feeling of personality, having a place, and reason, all of which add to profound and otherworldly prosperity (Dudgeon et al., 2014). Research by Dudgeon et al. (2014) proposes that deficiency of association with culture and conventional lifestyles has been connected to less fortunate wellbeing results.
For example, studies have shown that taking part in conventional practices like services and association with Nation can decidedly affect emotional wellness and by and large prosperity (Dudgeon et al., 2014). Perceiving and integrating social practices into medical care conveyance is critical. The Canadian Foundations of Wellbeing Exploration (CIHR) (2018) underscores the significance of socially safe medical care that regards customary mending rehearses and incorporates them with standard medication.
Holistic approach
The NAHS definition features the interconnectedness of these aspects. Atkinson et al. (2017) delineate this by
inging up what poor actual wellbeing can mean for an individual's capacity to take part in friendly and social exercises. Social segregation and profound pain can compound actual medical issues. Injury and social disengagement can prompt social issues - a mind boggling trap of difficulties that require an all encompassing way to...

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