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ASSESSMENT 3: PRESENTATION Due Date: Week 11, during Workshop 29-30th May 2018 Weighting: 30% Length: 15 minute presentation plus 5 minutes for questions (2,000 words equivalent) TITLE-...

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Due Date:

Week 11, during Workshop 29-30th May 2018




15 minute presentation plus 5 minutes for questions

(2,000 words equivalent)



The topic can be chosen from any of the subjects and sub-groups of topics, that have been covered in this course, or that is topical and will benefit your clinical environment. The content may reflect clinical issues pertinent to the acute care patient or focussed on specific nursing intervention or equipment in the acute care setting. It must not be a duplicate of work you have already submitted. It is essential that you discuss your topic with the course coordinator at your earliest convenience to ensure a wide variety of topics are presented and that each student presents a different topic. This will benefit all students and maximise learning opportunities

Presentation Guidelines

It is a requirement of the assessment that the presentation is made to fellow students and the course coordinator. It is expected that the presentation will take 15 minutes with 5 minutes allowed for discussion on completion of the presentation.

It is mandatory that the presentation be made in PowerPoint. This exercise will be an asset to the student as PowerPoint is a skill that is required in many educational settings and is the standard tool used for conference presentations and interviews.

A copy of your presentation must be available to your course coordinator so that it can be corrected to the technology used during the workshop if required. The presentation will be delivered during the workshop associated with this course. It is preferable that the presentation is loaded onto a USB, with the topic clearly identified and the device labelled with the student’s name. The USB will be returned to the student following the presentation
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020


Sangeeta answered on May 20 2020
155 Votes
    Inflammation seen in the inner lining of vermiform appendix, which gradually spreads to other parts (Addiss, 2010).
     Common and crucial surgical illness with protean appearances, substantial overlap with other clinical conditions (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
    Considerable mo
idity that augments with diagnostic delay.
    Appendicitis is considered as being a medical emergency, which almost always needs prompt surgery for removing the appendix.
    If not treated, an inflamed appendix would ultimately burst, or perforate, spreading infectious items in the abdominal cavity (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
    This could result in peritonitis, a severe abdominal cavity's lining inflammation (Addiss, 2010).
    This could be deadly until it’s treated speedily with powerful antibiotic.
Causes of Appendicitis
    Appendicitis occurs at the time when the appendix gets blocked, frequently through stool, cancer or a foreign body (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
    Blockage might also take place from infection, as the appendix could swell as a result of any infection within the body (Addiss, 2010).
    The appendix could differ in length ranging from <1 cm to >30 cm (Addiss, 2010).
    Majority of appendices range from 6 cm to 9 cm in length.
Surgical Anatomy - Position
    The lifetime rate of occu
ence of appendicitis among males is 12% and females is 25% (Healthline, 2018).
    In spite of the augmented adoption of ultrasonography, CT (computed tomography) and laparoscopy, wrong diagnosis of appendicitis has continued to be same (15.30%), as has the percentage of appendicitis ruptures (Mayo Clinic, 2018)..
    The rate of wrong diagnosis of appendicitis is...

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