Student name:
Donatas Ramanauskas
Assessor name:
Date of assessment / evidence:
Qualification title:
ICT XXXXXXXXXXDiploma of Digital Media Technologies
Unit(s) of competency assessed:
BSBMKG524 - Design effective user experiences
Instructions to the student:
To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all
questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Assessment 1
Assessment Task 1:
Knowledge questions
â–¡ Satisfactory
â–¡ Not Satisfactory
â–¡ Not Completed
To complete this assessment, the student is required to answer all
questions and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Please be aware of any special circumstances where you may need
Instructions to the assesso
to write the answers for the student.
Once the tasks are completed, you are to make the assessment
decision. Please refer to the Assessor’s Guide when making this
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where
evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical
activities experienced in the marketing communications field of
work and include access to:
Context of Assessment
relevant legislation and regulations
communications equipment and technology
relevant workplace documentation and resources
case studies or, where possible, real situations
industry software packages and apps (where applicable).
Assessment outcome:
ï‚£ Competent
ï‚£ Not Yet Competent
(please tick to indicate)
Is re-assessment required?
Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
 The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student
rights and appeals were clearly explained.
 I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not
applicable) with the assessment result.
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Student signature:
· The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
· The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
· I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
· I certify this assessment record is accurate.
Assessor signature:
*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*
Assessment - Submission Guidelines
All work must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of literacy (i.e. standard spelling and co
All assessment tasks must be submitted via Moodle Submission Link by due date i.e., two weeks afte
the receipt of assessment task details.
Extensions beyond the due date must be negotiated with the relevant facilitator in advance.
Marked assessments will be returned with written feedback comments in the Moodle website within
one week of receipt of the assessment tasks.
Resubmitted assessments must include the original co
ected submission. Students are required to keep a soft copy of all work submitted.
Compress all your files and name your compressed file:
DUE DATE: 17th June, 2018
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This is a single comprehensive assessment, divided into two (2) forms of assessment for gathering evidence for this unit of competency. First being the Formative (Questionnaire) and second being the Summative (Project Work). Students are required to complete both tasks.
Students are required to complete both Assessment Tasks 1 & 2- Formative and Summative.
Reasonable Adjustment is permitted in the Summative Assessment based upon negotiation and certain circumstances between you the student and your trainer.
Assessment Task 1 – Formative (Short Answe
Multiple Choice Questions)
No longer than 5 hours
Estimated weighting:
1. Why should we use ISO standards? (No more than 50 words)
For businesses it reduces e
ors and increase productivity and ensure that product is safe and good quality.
2. Which ISO standards are important for the User Experience?
a. ISO XXXXXXXXXX:2010; ISO 14915; ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010
. ISO XXXXXXXXXX:2010; ISO 14916; ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010
c. ISO XXXXXXXXXX:2010; ISO 14915; ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010
d. ISO XXXXXXXXXX:2010; ISO 14815; ISO/IEC TR 25060:2018
3. Using your own words, why do you think these ISO standards are important for the User Experience? (No more than 100 words)
So everyone shall follow guidelines and how user experience should be presented. Easier for everyone if website meets the standards to navigate and use it.
4. Why might a UX designer consider WCAG 2.0? (No more than 50 words)
Basically WCAG 2.0 opens a wide range of recommendations on how to make UX more accessible to variety of people including people with disabilities, which makes your product more popular.
5. What are the differences between the Gestalt theory of UX and [the Laws of Fitt’s, Millers and Hicks]? (No more than 250 words)
Gestalt theory is more based on how human
ain works when given complex objects and how it consciously or subconsciously organizes them in its own system. While Fitts, Millers and Hicks laws are focused on how to design content effectively and reduce distraction to keep the user concentrated and stay on the web. Humans attention is limited and these days following these laws can help to make your UX better.
6. Using your own words, what is Fitts’s Law?
It is focused mainly on buttons to make them easy to find and press also keeping the distance between the task related button and your task area as short as possible.
7. Using your own words, what is Hicks’s Law?
It a law about how too many choices and too complex choices make the user too long to react and makes them think before making a decision which he don’t want.
8. What are three (3) reasons the Priority Poker game is useful in prioritizing features?
It includes a lot more people in prioritising.
It helps to see disagreements or differences in opinions which leads to discussion.
It can be used in a variety of things throughout the project.
9. Using your own words, explain the Pairwise Comparison prioritizing method?
What you do is you take the list you need to prioritize and you split it in pairs. Making decision over two things instead of all of them is a lot quicker and easier. You take winning feature and compare to another whichever winds gets a point.
10. When ca
ying out user research, a user’s Persona is:
a. A non-fictional character who represents the essential traits of your customers.
. A fictional character who misrepresents the essential traits of your customers.
c. A fictional character who represents the inadequate traits of your customers.
d. A fictional character who represents the essential traits of your customers.
11. Another name for Persona is:
a. Athlete
. Avata
c. Anaconda
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d. A fossil
12. Usability Testing is NOT relevant when …
a. … usability is an important attribute associated with good quality software.
. … Quality software is software that meets the user’s needs
c. … User’s needs may require that the software is easy to understand, learn, and use
d. … it’s devoid of any particular relevance.
e. … Usable software increases user productivity and user satisfaction
13. What are the five (5) stages in Usability Testing? Explain each (No more than 250 words)
Plan and Prep
Select participants
Conduct tests
Analyze results
Develop recommendations
14. Some important elements to test in a Usability Test are:
a. Languages, Speed, Availability, Mobility, Coherence and Emotion
. Languages, Speed, Availability, Measures, Coherence and Emotion
c. Languages, Motion, Availability, Mobility, Coherence and Emotion
d. Locality, Speed, Availability, Mobility, Coherence and Emotion
15. An Interaction Design is:
a. A process in which designers focus on creating engaging factory interfaces with logical and thought out behaviours and actions.
. A process in which designers focus on creating engaging web interfaces with logical and thought out behaviours and actions.
c. A process in which designers focus on creating engaging manufacturing interfaces with logical and thought out behaviours and actions.
d. None of the above
16. Who is involved in Interaction Design? (No more than 100 words)
17. Why might you want to test your UX designs? (No more than 100 words)
18. What metrics do we use when creating effective user experiences?
a. Behavioural, Attitudinal, Conversions, AOV, SUS, TPI, Tree-Testing and Card Sorting
. Behavioural, Attitudinal, Conversions, AOV, WUS, TPI, Tree-Testing and Card Sorting
c. Behavioural, Attitudinal, Conversions, AOV, SAAS, TPI, Tree-Testing and Card Sorting
d. Both A and B
19. Fill in the blanks:
User experience design (UXD) is the process of _______________ customer satisfaction and loyalty by
__________ the _____________, _______________,