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Am doing degree course and stuck on statistics question, need resolved quickly. Research hypothesis : The time served in the Australian construction industry has an effect in relation to...

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Am doing degree course and stuck on statistics question, need resolved quickly.
Research hypothesis: The time served in the Australian construction industry has an effect in relation to incident/injury reporting.
Null hypothesis: The time served in the Australian construction industry has no affect in relation to incident/injury reporting.
Whilst I have the data on attached excel spreadsheet and basic answer, it is not the scientific one I need. Have been playing around trying to find best solution, t-tests etc. and cant find best solution. I need resolved and workings please. Not worried about written explanation that much, more on the scientific stats workings.

Excel sheet attached
Answered Same Day Oct 26, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
134 Votes
Null hypothesis, ho: The time served in the Australian construction industry and incident/injury reporting are independent variables. this is tested against alternative hypothesis, h1: The time served in the Australian construction industry and incident/injury reporting are NOT independent variables
My level of significance is alpha 0.05. This implies I am 95% confident about my results. I apply Chi-Square Test for...

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