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SCR Annex A Risk Log FHA (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (A) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (A) (R) (S) (T) (U) (Y) (Z) (X) ID # Function Identification Functional Assessment Hazard Description (for...

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SCR Annex A Risk Log
        (A)    (B)    (C)    (D)    (E)    (H)    (I)    (J)    (K)    (L)    (M)            (A)    (N)    (O)    (P)    (Q)            (A)    (R)    (S)            (T)    (U)    (Y)    (Z)    (X)
        ID #    Function Identification        Functional Assessment            Hazard Description
(for safety significant functions)    Casual
Factor    Risk Substantiation    Risk Category    Initial Risk            HRI    Enduring Mitigations
(To eliminate or minimise the risk)    Mitigation Responsibility    Planned Applied By Date    Residual Risk
(SFARP)            HRI    Interim Mitigations
(As required, to eliminate or minimise the risk)    Risk Level with Applied Interim Mitigations
(SFARP)            Design
Disclosure    Verification    Human Impact Factors    Social Impact Factors    Comments
            Function    Sub-Function    Functional
Failure    Phase/s
    Safety Significant Function?                    Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level                    Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level            Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level
        1    Electrical    Safety components    Other components stop working    Operational - Unattended    Yes    Electrical components purchased are of low quality leading to failure of critical electrical systems    Lack of understanding of manufacturing process
Counterfeit Parts used in manufacturing
Lack of supply chain management    Previous suppliers in this sector have provided counterfeit parts
Safety reports issued on previous accidents / failures    Performance    Probable    Catastrophic    Very High    E4    1. Elimination
- Redundant Systems
- Procure higher quality parts
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Electrical Engineers    End of Week 2    Improbable    Catastrophic    Medium    E2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Response processes upon failure detection
6. PPE
-     Improbable    Major    Low    Shop Drawings
Design Documents    Auditing
Testing    Fatalities
Public Perception
Reputation of business and employees
        2    Mechanical    Diesel Plant    Diesel Shut off systems fail to activate    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Shutdown - Attended    Yes    Automated diesel generator systems fail to activate on the disesl generators upon shutdown command being passed from operator.     Lack of understanding of shutdown process
Lack of system failure alerting
Lack of detail in safeguards to system design    Previous notifications and defect alerts from supplier of automated systems
Previous experience from designers and operators    Performance    Occasional    Moderate    Low    B3    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Engineer in a failsafe system to ensure the diesel systems shut down upon command
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Engineering    End of Week 2    Improbable    Moderate    Very Low    B2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Response processes upon failure detection
6. PPE
-     Improbable    Minor    Very Low    Detailed Design Documentation
Operational Testing    Operator injury    Operator Morale and confidence in the delivered system
        3    Construction    Scaffolding    Construction scaffolding fails and causes collapse with construction operators     Operational - Unattended    Yes    Scaffolding joins fail upon use past their inspection date and can cause collapse of scaffolding system. Resulting in fall from heights greater then 2.0m    Use of out of date and out of inspection equipment    Inspection reports suggesting prior use of equipment out of inspection date    Safety    Improbable    Critical    Medium    D2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Engineer in a failsafe system to ensure the diesel systems shut down upon command
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Site Safety Office
Site Inspection Officer    End of Week 2    Rare    Major    Very Low    C1    1. Elimination
- Utilisation of equipment that is in inspection date and serviceable
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Rare    Moderate    Very Low    Test and Inspection Log / Reports
Development of inspection process
Planned Maintenance Procedures    Testing
Inspection    Falls resulting in injury to workers and su
ounding personnel
    Reputation of business is damaged
        4    Physical Security    Site Security    Criminal opportunity. Criminals obtain access to the worksite and theft of tools and equipment is experienced    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended,
Maintenance Shutdown - Attended    No        Physical Security of the site not sufficient    Security reports
Criminal intelligence reports from local police and security    Performance    Occasional    Moderate    Low    B3    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Implement Security monitoring system and fencing to protect the site
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement security procedures to guard and protect the work site 24/7
6. PPE    Site Manager    End of Week 2    Improbable    Major    Low    C2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement security guards as a temporary measure until firmer security controls are implemented
6. PPE    Improbable    Major    Low    Site security and safety design
Site Security protocols    Inspection
    Morale impacted
Productivity impacted
Delays experienced    Site and company reputation impacted
        5    Site Security    Threat from Protestors    Protestors block the main entry and exit gates to the worksite    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended,
Maintenance Shutdown - Attended    No        Protestors and Issue Motivated Groups intent on disrupting the work site and operations    Security reports
Criminal intelligence reports from local police and security    Performance    Improbable    Major    Low    C2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Security system and Fencing
- Security Guards
5. Administrative Controls
- Security protocols
- Community engagement protocols and activities
6. PPE    Site Safety and Security Manage
Site Manager     End of Week 2                 ERROR:#N/A    No residual risk identified until end of week 2 implementation                 Security operating processes
Site security design documents    Inspection
    Decreased morale of staff
Work time lost
Reputational Damage    Business reputational damage
Staff reputational damage
Community discouragement
Industry discouragement
        6    Governmental    External influencers    De-scope or halting the project        No    Change of Government during project resulting in de-prioritising the program    Change of Government
Change of public opinion of the project    Reports from Federal, State and Local Government
Reports from end customer    Environment    Improbable    Critical    Medium    D2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement management and monitoring through regular engagement
6. PPE    Executive Management
Project Management
Business Management    End of Week 2                 ERROR:#N/A    No Residual risk identified                 Project Status reporting
    Inspection of reports
    Loss of sustained employment for staff
Degrade morale of staff    Loss of economical gain for local community
        7    Human Engineering    Environmental Management System    Environmental management system design    Operational - Unattended    Yes    Poor design in Submarine environmental sustainment systems resulting in lower than expected endurance and higher long term risk to operator health     Poor design process
System engineering process not followed
Initial Statement of Requirements not followed or defined
High level design not co
ect    Reports from previous designs and lessons learnt    Safety    Probable    Catastrophic    Very High    E4    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Engineer a robust design in the Environmental Monitoring and Management system
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Design Engineers    End of Week 4    Improbable    Critical    Medium    D2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement strict peer review process
- Implement Documentation review and analysis of design
6. PPE    Improbable    Critical    Medium    Design Documents
Engineering Management Plan    Inspection
Testing    Significant impact on operators if poor design is implemented short and long term    Reputation of business is damaged
Trust of customer is damaged
        8    ICT Systems    Onboard ICT Networking system    ICT Network failure preventing systems from communicating and passing commands    Operational - Unattended    Yes    ICT Network infrastructure installed on the submarine constantly fails which prevents reliant systems from communicating. This also causes additional systems from functioning co
ectly    Poor network design
Poor requirement definition
Poor network components    Previous Submarine design reports
Previous operator statements of account    Safety    Occasional    Critical    High    D3    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Design a network that is robust and has an availability of over 99.98%
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    ICT Designers
Electrical Engineers    End of Week 3                 ERROR:#N/A    No residual risk identified            
        9    Hull Preservation    Preparation and priming    Exposure to chemicals    Operational - Unattended    Yes    Preparation chemicals used in the submarine painting process pose a significant personnel, environmental and ozone risk if used inco
ectly causing permanent injury with a high probability of exposed workers contracting cancerous diseases after prolonged use and exposure.                             ERROR:#N/A    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE                         ERROR:#N/A    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE            
        10    Structural System    Hull System    Implosion of hull    Operational - Unattended    Yes    Forged steel for submarine hull has been found to potentially develop microscopic stress fractures leading to decreased operating ability and potential catastrophic destruction of the submarine if operated within normal operating limitations    Poor design process
System engineering process not followed
Initial Statement of Requirements not followed or defined
High level design not co
ect    Previous design reports on similar systems
Previous reports on metal fatigue    Safety    Improbable    Catastrophic    Medium    E2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE                         ERROR:#N/A    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE            
                                                             ERROR:#N/A                             ERROR:#N/A                
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                                                             ERROR:#N/A                             ERROR:#N/A                
Safety Case Report/Technical Risk Assessment
Page &P of &N    Objective File Reference
        (A)    (B)    (C)    (D)                    (E)    (F)    (G)    (H)                            (I)
        Hazard ID    Hazard Description    Effect of Hazard    Risk Assessment                    Recommended Actions - HIRAC
(Enduring mitigations to achieve SFARP and
interim mitigation if required)    Actions Applied By Who:    Actions Applied By Date:    Effect of Recommeded Actions                            Status
                    Risk Substantiation    Likelihood    Consequence    Risk    HRI                Is the Risk assessed as SFARP when ALL Mitigations Agreed have been implemented?    Residual Risk (SFARP)                Concession or Other    Description of Risk at Date of Signature
                                                        Likelihood    Consequence    Risk    HRI
        MS-001    Environmental impact    Environmental Impact    The likelihood is XXX because:
Consequence is assessed as XXX due:
Red Team: Red Team:
- Comment is place holder needs to be udpated.
- Cu
ent information in orginal Phar table and AECOM report is defficient is documenation risk substantation    Unlikely
Red Team: Red Team:
These are assumptions only to derive the risk as identified in the AECOM Chair 1 report. No Likelihood and Consequence data was provided in the report    Moderate
Red Team: Red Team:
These are assumptions only to derive the risk as identified in the AECOM Chair 1 report. No Likelihood and Consequence data was provided in the report    ERROR:#REF!    ERROR:#REF!    Fuel room, fill point & generator plant to be bunded - consider bunding to meet standards. Consider requirements for pipework to mitigate risk of leakage. Small pipework distance. Note diesel pipework above ground - consider trip hazards, access, maintainability etc            Yes    Unlikely    Minor    ERROR:#REF!    ERROR:#REF!        Implementation of the identified actions means the risk is reduced to XXX
The consequence remains as XXX.
Other considerations:
Red Team: Red Team:
- Comment is place holder needs to be udpated, inncluding summary of other consideration as per the DID    
Red Team: Red Team:
- Comment is place holder needs to be udpated.
- Cu
ent information in orginal Phar table and AECOM report is defficient is documenation risk substantation    
Red Team: Red Team:
These are assumptions only to derive the risk as identified in the AECOM Chair 1 report. No Likelihood and Consequence data was provided in the report    
Red Team: Red Team:
These are assumptions only to derive the risk as identified in the AECOM Chair 1 report. No Likelihood and Consequence data was provided in the report                                                    Open
        Subsystem Key
        MR - FDMA EBEM Modem Racks
Answered Same Day Sep 05, 2021 CMM92001 Southern Cross University


Guneet answered on Sep 07 2021
135 Votes
SCR Annex A Risk Log
        (A)    (B)    (C)    (D)    (E)    (H)    (I)    (J)    (K)    (L)    (M)            (A)    (N)    (O)    (P)    (Q)            (A)    (R)    (S)            (T)    (U)    (Y)    (Z)    (X)
        ID #    Function Identification        Functional Assessment            Hazard Description
(for safety significant functions)    Casual
Factor    Risk Substantiation    Risk Category    Initial Risk            HRI    Enduring Mitigations
(To eliminate or minimise the risk)    Mitigation Responsibility    Planned Applied By Date    Residual Risk
(SFARP)            HRI    Interim Mitigations
(As required, to eliminate or minimise the risk)    Risk Level with Applied Interim Mitigations
(SFARP)            Design
Disclosure    Verification    Human Impact Factors    Social Impact Factors    Comments
            Function    Sub-Function    Functional
Failure    Phase/s
    Safety Significant Function?                    Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level                    Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level            Likelihood    Consequence    Risk Level
        1    Electrical    Safety components    The Original design requirements of Electrical Control Systems were not clearly set out     Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended    No    Highly complex systems and the design requirements can be dete
ent if wrongly implemented.    Lack of clarity of previous electrical systems urged need for implementing new Artificial Intelligence Safety System.     A team of 6 Elelctrical engineers employed to provide design input of submarines new electrical control systems, for which a meeting with head engineer will be organized to clarify overall system requirements.    Performance    Probable    Catastrophic    Very High    E4    1. Elimination
- Redundant Systems
2. Substitution
- New Artificial Intelligence system
- New Control System Designing
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- New engineers deployment
- Simplify the systems
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Electrical Engineers    End of Week 2    Improbable    Catastrophic    Medium    E2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Response processes upon failure detection
6. PPE
-     Improbable    Major    Low    Electrical control
Design Documents    Auditing
Testing    Fatalities
Public Perception
Reputation of business and employees
        2    Mechanical    Diesel Plant    Issue with Diesel generators, not working properly.    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended,
Maintenance Shutdown - Attended    Yes    Issues with the new diesel generators being installed on board the submarines and require full removal for rectification    Lack of repair leading to shutdown process
Fully installed in 2 submarines and the hulls have been welded.
In remaining 8 submarines in line for installation.    Issue raised by Mechanical engineers for the faulty installed generators.
Previous experience from designers and operators    Performance    Occasional    Moderate    Low    B3    1. Elimination
- New diesel generators need removal
2. Substitution
- installed generators rectified with new ones
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Continuous repair
- Proper designing required
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE-Keep regular checks    Engineering    End of Week 9    Improbable    Moderate    Very Low    B2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Response processes upon failure detection
6. PPE
-     Improbable    Minor    Very Low    Detailed Design Documentation
Operational Testing    Operator injury    Operator Morale and confidence in the delivered system
        3    Construction    Mid flight project shifting    During construction an Electrical Fire
oke out in the main electrical component Room of submarine    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended    Yes    Severe Injury to five electrical technicians and the Electrical Engineering Supervisor    Lack of understanding of electrical systems components quality during initial system intregration testing. Counterfeit electrical components were installed into the electrical systems    Previous suppliers in this sector have provided counterfeit parts
Investigation into the incident revealed Faulty electrical components installation.    Safety    Improbable    Critical    Medium    D2    1. Elimination
- Removal of counterfeit Parts
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Inderstanding of electrical control systems
5. Administrative Controls
- Regular system testing
6. PPE    Electrical SUperviso
Technician    End of Week 2    Rare    Major    Very Low    C1    1. Elimination
- Utilisation of equipment that is in inspection date and serviceable
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. PPE    Rare    Moderate    Very Low    Test and Inspection Log / Reports
Development of inspection process
Planned Maintenance Procedures    Testing
Inspection    Falls resulting in injury to Supervisors, workers and su
ounding personnel
    Reputation of business is damaged
        4    Physical Security    Site Security    Pre-Fa
icated Material for hull and platform construction resulting in heavy equipment shfting and testing    Operational - Unattended    Yes    The already built in modular sections require a large amount of heavy lifting equipment, welding specialists, and metal testing professionals. Security Threats posing serious risk     Use of previously ordered equipment which requires proper handling and its installation is a time consuming process.    Advised by security manager about possible threats and online protests.     Safety    Occasional    Moderate    Low    B3    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Implement Security monitoring system and fencing to protect the site
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement security procedures to guard and protect the work site 24/7
6. PPE    Site Manager    End of Week 2    Improbable    Major    Low    C2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement security guards as a temporary measure until firmer security controls are implemented
6. PPE    Improbable    Major    Low    Site security and safety design
Site Security protocols    Inspection
    Morale impacted
Productivity impacted
Delays experienced    Site and company reputation impacted
        5    Site Security    Threat from Protestors    Protestors aiming to block the operations and work at site    Operational - Unattended,
Maintenance Operational - Attended,
Maintenance Shutdown - Attended    No    Damage of Property and business functions    Protestors intend on disrupting the work at site and operations    Advised by Security manage
Targeted protests posted online, however no information relating to date and time mentioned.     Safety    Improbable    Major    Low    C2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
- Security system and Fencing
- Security Guards
5. Administrative Controls
- Security protocols
- Community engagement protocols and activities
6. PPE    Site Safety and Security Manage
Site Manager     End of Week 2    Improbable    Minor    Very Low    A2    No residual risk identified until end of week 2 implementation                 Security operating processes
Site security design documents    Inspection
    Decreased morale of staff
Work time lost
Reputational Damage    Business reputational damage
Staff reputational damage
Community discouragement
Industry discouragement
        6    Governmental    External influencers    De-scope the build of last 3 submarines. Governmental pressure to employ local unskilled people resulting in extra cost and time consumption.     Operational-Attended    No    Change of Government during mid-project resulted in project schedule cut by 25% and loss of $ 12 billion contracts. Hiring of not appropriately skilled people for the project viable.    Change of Government from highly supportive Liberal government to Nation first Environmental Government.
Change of Government opinion of the project. Pressure from Local government officials.    Recent Federal elections resulted in change of Government.
Reports of project review undertaken by the new government resulted in descoping. Business HR delegates decide to hire additional local staff to work in Trade and Technical Roles.    Environment    Improbable    Critical    Medium    D2    1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
- Implement management and monitoring through regular engagement
6. PPE    Executive Management
Project Management
Business Management    End of Week 2    Improbable    Minor    Very Low    A2    No Residual risk identified                 Project Status reporting
    Inspection of reports
    Loss of sustained employment for staff
Degrade morale of staff    Loss of economical gain for local community
        7    Human Engineering    Environmental Management System    Environmental management system performance testing and procurement not complete    Operational - Unattended    Yes    Desalanation systems have not yet been fully tested in the local region and no surity of the performance of these systems when used in different climatic conditions    Poor performance of Desalanation System could result in damage due to human engineering...

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