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Answered Same Day Nov 06, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
142 Votes
Running Header: Assignment 3 – WHS Policies Analysis     1
Assignment 3 – WHS Policies Analysis             7
Assignment 3 – WHS Policies Analysis
Assignment 3 – WHS Policies Analysis
Part A
The WHS policies for prevailing policy as well as procedures for Computers R’ Us meets and encompasses all of the relevant legislations, regulations, statutory guidelines, etc. making it comprehensive in this aspect.
Part B
Employee Responsibilities
· Understand and realize fully all of the procedures, policies and guidelines within the WHS policy at the company (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011).
· Fully realize and comply in terms of actions with full commitment at all times with respect to the WHS policy issued by the company (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011).
· Employees need to be proactive and forward looking and aid in the development of the WHS policy at the company (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011).
Employer Responsibilities
· Ensure effective development and incremental updating of the WHS policy
· Undertake effective form of communication of the policies and the compliance actions amongst all of the stakeholders in an effective manner (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011).
· Put signage, warning visuals, guidance, etc., to ensure the compliance is enforced at all places and at all times (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011).

Part C
Human resources as well as financial resources form the key element for successful and effective undertaking and implementation of the WHS policies and their management at work place (Hymel et al., 2011; Hughes & Fe
ett, 2011). The same needs to be immediately developed for effective outcomes at the company...

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