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Abnormal Psychology Discussion 3 1. Stress Assessment? You have been voted the subject matter expert on stress and anxiety by your peers. Thus, they have elected you to compete for a National Science...

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Abnormal Psychology Discussion 3
1. Stress Assessment? You have been voted the subject matter expert on stress and anxiety by your peers. Thus, they have elected you to compete for a National Science Foundation grant for the creation of a valid and reliable assessment tool. The assessment can be for acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder or the impact of stress on physical health. The choice is yours. You have been asked to present to your Department Adviser a status report addressing the following topics:
a. What type of assessment are you going to develop?
. What is your operational definition of the variable (i.e., type of stress or anxiety) you are going to assess?
c. What are the first five questions you plan to include in your assessment that will identify whether a person is experiencing signs or symptoms of the stress your assessment is designed to target?
Note, to prepare your answers you will need to leverage the week’s readings and
anch out to fill in gaps where you feel you need more information in order to offer your Adviser a top-notch update. On top of critical thinking. a pinch of creativity might also be in order. Include APA Style references for the readings and your independent research.
Answered Same Day Jun 08, 2021


Paulami answered on Jun 08 2021
133 Votes
Running head: PSYCHOLOGY
) (
Name of the Student:
Name of the University:
Table of Contents
a. What type of assessment are you going to develop?    3
. What is your operational definition of the variable (i.e., type of stress or anxiety) you are going to assess?    3
c. What are the first five questions you plan to include in your assessment that will identify whether a person is experiencing signs or symptoms of the stress your assessment is designed to target?    3
References    5
a. What type of assessment are you going to develop?
Assessment is going to be developed considering stress. Stress refers to feelings of physical or emotional tension. Such might a
ive from thought or event of any making one feel nervous, angry or frustrated (Seaward, 2017)....

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