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A written report incorporating ONE case study and TWO of the theories in counselling covered during the Trimester. Students are required to submit a report between 1500 words. Report brief: Throughout...

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A written report incorporating ONE case study and TWO of the theories in counselling covered during the Trimester.

Students are required to submit a report between 1500 words.

Report brief:

Throughout this Trimester we have learned about various counselling theories, namely:


·Adlerian Therapy

·Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Narrative Therapy

·Person Centred Therapy

·Gestalt Therapy

·Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

·Family Systems Therapy

You will select ONE case study from the list below and then choose TWO of the counselling theories that you believe will be appropriate to assist the client(s) discussed in the chosen case study.

Your task is then to apply each counselling theory, whilst comparing and contrasting the different ways in which each theory could be applied in an effort to help your client(s) with his/her/their problem:

Your answer must include the following:

1.Identification of the historical origins and evolution of BOTH of your chosen theories

2.Details about the typical counsellor/client relationship and any other elements of the chosen theories.

3.Application of, comparison and contrast between chosen counselling theories to ONE of the case studies listed below including –

·an outline of any ethical/legal issues to be considered,

·an explanation of how you would use each of the TWO counselling techniques to assist your client – make sure to compare and contrast different needs of each theory in relation to techniques

·suggestion of a possible outcome for the client if the counselling goes well

·You may also suggest the number of sessions or any other requirements needed for the counselling to go ahead as planned, again comparing, and contrasting the TWO theories.

4.A final statement that outlines which of the two theories would best suit the client’s needs, based on your analysis.

Case study options –

Case study 1 -Caleb

Caleb is an intelligent, friendly, kind and somewhat shy and watchful 16-year-old male who appears slightly older than his years, although his demeanour at times represents the maturity of a younger person. He presents as genuine and engaged, but often avoids eye contact by looking down and attempt to suppress facial expressions. Caleb is the youngest of three, his older brother and sister are both attending university. Caleb lives with his parents.

Caleb was referred to counselling following his discharge from an inpatient psychiatric facility. He said that he was admitted for the treatment of recurring, uncontrollable intrusive memories and episodes of dissociation, relating to repeated early childhood sexual assaults (at approx. 4 years of age), perpetrated by his Aunt Jolene. Aunt Jolene died suddenly in a motor vehicle accident; Caleb said he felt responsible for her death and he wished she would not come back so that the abuse would stop. In this complex relationship, Caleb felt very close to Aunt Jolene and said that he previously described her as his “favourite person in the world”. Also 12 months ago Caleb lost his close friend to suicide and may be grieving the loss of his friends as they move on to university.

Caleb has reported intrusions. flashbacks, avoidance, alterations in cognition and difficulty regulating his arousal. He said that over recent months he has been seeing images of his Aunt Jolene, just before she died. Sexual contact with a female friend triggered memories of abuse that had previously been buried or suppressed. He said that he tried to “shut down” intrusive thoughts and became increasingly distressed when he could not. Since being re-triggered, Caleb said he has been irritable and angry, and that he often felt threatened even when in safe place, such as at home.

To assist Caleb you will need to identify his strengths, decide how you would work with him and identify any ethical risks associated with the story.

Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2021


Moumita answered on Aug 10 2021
143 Votes
Running Head: Case Study-Caleb                                 1
Case Study-Caleb                                        8
Table of Contents
Background of Caleb’s Case    3
Origin of the Theories    3
Details of the counsellor-client relationship    5
Application of the Theories    6
Ethical Issues    7
References    9
Background of Caleb’s Case
From the given case study, it is evident that Caleb needs immediate assistance from the different psychologists or the therapies that may
ing out the best from Caleb. In order to provide him the proper assistance it is very important to recognise and observe the strengths that he already possesses. The most important strengths that can be identified from the case study is that he is very intelligent, kind and friendly. These strengths can lead Caleb to achieve betterment in his future life and escape from a situation that he is facing cu
ently. In order to help Caleb there are two theories that can be effective in providing Caleb the help that he needs the most at present. The two theories can possibly be the psychoanalysis and the person centred theory, which are very much acknowledged in the grounds of psychiatry. The details of these theories are discussed below.
Origin of the Theories
The two theories that will be discussed in this case is the psychoanalysis and the person centred. Both of them have the potential to help Caleb to deal with the problems he is facing in his personal loves. In order to align these theories with the problems there is a need to know the proper origin of these theories, which will be discussed below.
Psychoanalysis is an accumulation of the different theories and techniques to analyse the subconscious and unconscious minds of human beings. This theory is established by Sigmund Freud to earn a better understanding of the human minds and its complexities. People often experience flashbacks, pain inflicted from strong memories, which may cause inexplicable mental distu
ance within themselves (Laplanche & Pontalis, 2018). This can dismantle and distraught them from the inside which is very dangerous and harmful for them. This psychoanalysis helps the human beings to focus on the things that are triggering them to face some extraditing mental issues. Through this therapy, the human beings can overcome all the fears and issues they are experiencing mentally and it will help them to progress to a better life in the future. That is the reason why the psychoanalysis can be considered as a very effective tool to provide help and recovery to the human beings from all the mental illnesses they are facing.
Person centred therapy
The person centred therapy can be considered as another effective tool to cure the mental illness of the people. Carl Rogers first initiated this therapy in the year 1940. This therapy is associated with individual counselling by the professions. In this therapy, people have the freedom to talk to the professionals without hesitating or without having the fear of judgment (Bazzano, 2016). The people can get access to an effective communicative platform through this therapy....

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