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"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." (Thomas Mann) Read the following quote from your textbook and discuss what it means to you. Remember to give your...

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"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." (Thomas Mann)

Read the following quote from your textbook and discuss what it means to you. Remember to give your initial response.
Answered Same Day May 02, 2020


Dr. Vidhya answered on May 07 2020
143 Votes
    Discussion One: Writing Difficulty
    The premises of being a good writer expand the dimensions of thinking for a person who is creative. A good writer is believed to be someone who can give intriguing notions to his or her readers. However, becoming a good writer is not an easy task to accomplish because writing is always difficult, as the quite suggests, to personal self as well as it is for the others. The writers have top create the...

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