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MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B Statement of Intent Final Page 1 of 7 ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEF; Part B Subject Code and Title MGT501 Business Environment Assessment Part B; Statement of Intent Final...

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MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B Statement of Intent Final Page 1 of 7
Subject Code and Title MGT501 Business Environment
Assessment Part B; Statement of Intent Final
Individual/Group Individual
Length Video – 5 minutes
Learning Outcomes This assessments addresses the following Subject Learning
a) Develop and apply a conceptual understanding of
eflective practice in a business context.
) Critically evaluate economic principles and
stakeholder viewpoints in business environments
c) Analyse and synthesise the fundamentals of
usiness in the contemporary environment.
d) Construct and justify a professional value
proposition as a business practitioner.
Submission 12 Week Delivery: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of
Module 6.1 (week 11)
Intensive Class: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of
Module 6 (week 6)
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 25 marks
Self-reflection is a way of assessing yourself and the way you work and study. Reflecting helps in
developing your skills further and linking practice with theory. It is about analysing what you do and
why you do it and applying what you have learned in the future. Reflective self-awareness leads to
etter leadership skills and performance. More importantly, an enhanced understanding of oneself
also provides a solid basis for empathy and leading others.
In part A, the focus was on you to reflect on the motivation for undertaking postgraduate studies
and expectations regarding the course and ensuing career path.
Part B requires you to revisit Part A and develop a short video presentation on your learning
experience and thinking, and how they might have evolved during the course of the subject.
MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B Statement of Intent Final Page 2 of 7

In this subject, you have been introduced to the foundational concepts of business and reflective
skills. Assessment 1 Part B is about you reflecting on the learning and how your learning can be
applied in your journey of becoming a business practitioner.
Your task is to prepare a 5-minute individual video presentation about your learning experience in
this subject comparing and contrasting your thinking at the start of the subject versus the end. Focus
on how this subject has shaped your thinking about business and future career aspirations. Your
video may also include any lessons you have learnt throughout this subject, for example, identifying
strategies you can transfer to your professional life.
Please Note: Powerpoint/Prezi slides are NOT permitted.
You will need to find ways of addressing the audience in a compelling manner, paying attention to
audio quality, lighting quality, sincerity of presentation, clarity of your perspective and overall
Presentation Content:
In the presentation, students are required to:
• Introduce themselves
• Describe how their understanding of business has changed since the start of this subject
• Outline professional objectives and how they might apply their learning in this subject to
achieve those objectives
Presentation Questions:
Presentations should address the following questions, along with any other relevant points:
• Has your definition of business, economic principals and business environment changed?
• What are some of your professional goals?
• How does what you have learned relate to the present and future?
• What do you want to learn more about, and how could it help in your professional
• As you think about the future, how might you apply your learning experiences in later life?
• What could you do to further your professional development outside of formal studies?
Submission Instructions:
(1) Creating your video presentation
• Create a short video presentation, length: 5 minutes
o Be specific and clear, as you will be assessed on originality and authenticity
• Your presentation must be in video format (mp4, MOV, etc.) for uploading into Blackboard
(refer to the link below)
(2) Uploading your video presentation
• Detailed instructions on compressing (if necessary) and uploading video presentation is
available at https:

MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B Statement of Intent Final Page 3 of 7
• Submit the recorded video via the Assessment 1 Part B: Statement of Intent Final
submission link in the main navigation menu in MGT501 Business Environment.
• After uploading your video presentation, retain a copy in a safe place.
• The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
• Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Ru
Your reports will be marked against the ru
ic, which is shown on the next pages. Please ensure that
your submission addresses all three of the Assessment Attributes in the ru

MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B_ Statement of Intent Final Page 4 of 7

Learning Ru
ic: Assessment 1 Part B; Statement of Intent Final
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction

Context and Purpose

Shows a clear
understanding of the
context and purpose
of assignment

Percentage for this

Demonstrates no
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the

Demonstrates limited
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the

Demonstrates consistent
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the

Demonstrates an
advanced and integrated
understanding of context
and/or purpose of the

demonstrates a
systematic and critical
understanding of context
and purpose of the

Reflective Skills

Understands the
importance of
eflective skills in
constructing a
professional identity

Percentage for this

Does not reflect upon
own professional
identity and
professional objectives.
Reflects on own
professional identity and
considers the impact of
learning experiences on

Reflects on own
professional identity in
elation to learning
experiences and impact on
professional practice,
modifies behaviour when
necessary in reflexive act.

Reflects and evaluates
own professional identity
in relation to learning
experiences and how this
impacts on professional

Reflects and, modifies
ehaviour when
necessary in reflexive
manner and further
eflects on professional

Demonstrates a high
awareness of the link
etween reflection and
critical thinking.

Critically reflects and
analyses own
professional identity in
elation to learning
experiences and ethos.

Considers how this
impacts on professional
practice with a
willingness to adapt and
MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B_ Statement of Intent Final Page 5 of 7

grow. Modifies
ehaviour when
necessary in reflexive
manner and further
eflects on professional


presentation with
clear flow of ideas

Percentage for this
Difficult to understand
for audience, no
logical/clear structure,
poor flow of ideas,
argument lacks
supporting evidence.

Audience cannot follow
the line of reasoning.

Information, arguments
and evidence are
presented in a way that
is not always clear and

Line of reasoning is often
difficult to follow.

Information, arguments
and evidence are well
presented, mostly clear
flow of ideas and

Line of reasoning is easy to

Information, arguments
and evidence are very
well presented. Analysis
is logical, clear and well
supported by evidence.

Demonstrates analytical

Expertly presented. The
presentation is logical,
persuasive, and well
supported by evidence,
demonstrating a clear
flow of ideas and

Engages and sustains
audience’s interest in the
topic, demonstrates high
levels of insight and
analytical skills.

MGT501_ Assessment 1 Part B_ Statement of Intent Final Page 6 of 7

Application of theory
to the circumstances
eing described

Percentage for this

Limited understanding
of key concepts required
to support the case

Confuses logic and
emotion. Information
taken from reliable
sources but without a
coherent analysis or

Knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline. Resembles a
ecall or straightforward
summary of key ideas.

Often confuses assertion
of personal opinion with
substantiated by
evidence from the

Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline/s
Answered Same Day Aug 12, 2021 MGT501 Charles Sturt University


Moumita answered on Aug 13 2021
137 Votes
No, my definition of business, economic policies and business environment has not changed
To me, business is one kind of activity of individuals to make money by producing or buying products
Business includes some operations that are performed by enterprises to make
Definition of business, economic principles and business environment
In my opinion economic policy encompasses a large variety of laws and theories
Laws and theories that are adopted within economic principles are linked with economic activities (Maresch, Harms, Kailer & Wimmer-Wurm, 2016)
To me, the definition of business environment denotes the internal and external factors that affect the function of the business
Definition of business, economic principles and business environment
Undertaking postgraduate studies to acquire career path
Making a course to ensure my career path as a business person
My professional goal is to complete my business studies
This business study will help me to enhance quality assessment in production and the services to mitigate the satisfactory criteria of my customers
Starting a startup business is my other professional goal
Professional goals
I have learnt about...

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