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Assessment item 3 - Evaluation of a Clinical Issue Length: 2,000 words This assessment task requires you to prepare a formal report that systematically addresses each of the following points: 1....

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Assessment item 3 - Evaluation of a Clinical Issue
Length: 2,000 words
This assessment task requires you to prepare a formal report that systematically addresses each of the following points:
1. Choose one of the nursing practice issues from the list below.
2. Using the li
ary search tools, undertake a focused search to find primary, peer-reviewed research articles about your chosen nursing issue or problem. The aim of the search is to obtain evidence based recommendations that can be implemented into clinical (or nursing) practice.
3. In your report:
· Introduce the issue or problem you have selected, including the relevance of the issue to nursing practice.
· Critically evaluate and summarise the evidence you have located in relation to the issue.
· Provide recommendations to solve the identified issue.
Topic list for evaluation of clinical issues:
· Educating nurses about mandatory reporting (with a focus on child protection OR professional misconduct OR elder abuse)
· Facilitators and ba
iers to working safely (choose a context: hospitals OR residential aged care OR community)
· Educating patients, clients and the community on infection control in the era of COVID-19
    Issue or problem related to practice clearly identified and introduced and its relevance to nursing practice. 
    Succinctly introduces the issue or problem as the topic of the report in a logical and articulate manner.
Justifies the  relevance to nursing practice.
    Introduces the issue or problem as the topic of the report in a logical and articulate manner.
Analyses the relevance to nursing practice.
    Introduces the topic in a logical  manner when introducing issue or problem.
Discusses the relevance to nursing practice.
    Shows some attempt to organise in a logical manner when introducing the issue or problem.
Describes the relevance to nursing practice.
(5 - 6 marks)
    Disorganised / incoherent introduction to issue or problem related to practice.
Disorganised attempt to describe the relevance to nursing practice.
    Discusses, describes and analyses the background of the problem or issue.
    Clearly and succinctly discusses the background of the problem or issue.
 Accurately and logically describes and discusses the origin of the problem or issue.
Evaluates and analyses the factors that have impacted upon the situation and clinical practice.
    Clear and sound discussion of the background of the problem or issue.
Accurately describes and discusses the describes the origin of the problem or issue. 
Analyses the factors that have impacted upon the situation and clinical practice.
    Mostly clear discussion of the background of the problem or issue.
Covers most aspects of how the problem or issue originated. 
Discusses the factors that have impacted upon the situation and clinical practice.
    Discussion of the background of the problem or issue.
Covers some aspects of how the problem or issue originated.
Describes the factors that have impacted upon the problem or issue, and clinical practice.
    Confused and inaccurate attempts to discuss the background of the problem or issue 
Briefly discusses how the problem or issue originated
Confusing attempts to discuss the factors that have impacted upon the problem or issue, and clinical practice.
    Critically appraises the identified research to find solutions.
 Develops critically appraised
ecommendations fo
management which aim to improve cu
ent clinical practice associated with the problem or issue.
    Clearly and succinctly
 evaluates the research used to find a solution for the problem or issue.
Exceptional quality recommendations made for the problem or issue derived from analysis of the articles.
Conclusion incorporates critical analysis with a cogent and original
argument. Recommendation is
explicit and focused fo
management to change or improve practice. 
    Analyses the research used to find a solution for the problem or issue.
Comprehensive and effective recommendations made for the problem or issue derived from analysis of the articles.
Conclusion incorporates analysis to argue recommendation. Recommendation is clear and focused for management to change practice.
    Discusses the research used to find solutions for the problem or issue.
Sound recommendations made for the problem or issue derived from the analysis of the articles.
Conclusion mainly discusses but some analysis may be provided to argue recommendation. Recommendation is sound, but argument may lack depth and clarity.
(24.5  - 28  marks)
    Describes the research used find the solution for the problem or issue.
Some recommendations made for the problem or issue derived from the analysis of the articles.
Conclusion mainly discusses but some analysis may be provided to argue recommendation. Recommendation is sound, but argument may lack depth and clarity.
    Confusing attempts to describe and discuss the research used to find the solution for the problem or issue.
Limited or missing recommendations made for the problem or issue .
Conclusion is descriptive in nature and does not provide strong arguments for management to change practice.
    Communicate effectively using academic writing
- structure (essay structure, academic voice etc)
- grammatical conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar) and remains within 10% of the word count
    You have logically, systematically and succinctly structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work used formal academic language
consistently adhered to grammatical conventions.
Remains within -/+ 10% of the word count.
 (8.5 – 10 marks)
    You have logically and systematically structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
used formal academic language consistently adhered to grammatical conventions.
Remains within -/+ 10% of the word count.
 (7.5 – 8 marks)
    You have logically structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work used formal academic language mostly adhered to grammatical conventions, though some e
ors remain.
Remains within -/+ 10% of the word count.
 (6.5 – 7 marks)
    You have partially structured the content into loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs to create a comprehensible, descriptive piece of work used formal academic language mostly adhered to grammatical conventions, though some e
ors remain.
Remains within -/+ 10% of the word count.
 (5 – 6 marks)
    You have partially structured the content
Used frequent informal language
there are multiple e
ors with grammatical conventions.
Report is over -/+ 10% of the word count.
    Apply evidence/ information from credible sources and uses APA 7th Edition referencing conventions
    You have located, evaluated and synthesised an extensive range of highly relevant information from cu
ent scholarly sources, that substantially supported your report.
You have accurately and consistently adhered to APA 7th referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list throughout the entire work.
(8.5 – 10 marks
    You have located, evaluated and synthesised a range of relevant information from cu
ent scholarly sources, that supported your report.
 You have almost always accurately and consistently adhered to APA 7th referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list throughout the entire work.
(7.5 – 8 marks)
    You have located, evaluated and incorporated a range of relevant information from cu
ent scholarly sources, that supported your report.
You have accurately adhered to APA 7th referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list throughout most of the work.
(6.5 – 7 marks)
    You have located, evaluated and incorporated some relevant information from cu
ent scholarly sources, that supported your report.
You have accurately adhered to APA 7th referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list throughout most of the work.
(5 – 6 marks)
    You have not located, evaluated and incorporated a range of relevant information from cu
ent scholarly sources, that supported your report.
You have not adhered to APA 7th referencing conventions for in-text referencing and/or in the reference list.
(0 - 4
Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2021


Somashree answered on Aug 21 2021
146 Votes
Educating patients, clients and the community on infection control in the era of COVID-19
[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]
[Institutional Affiliation(s)]
Course Name
Course ID
University Name
Instructors’ Name
Assignment Due Date
[Include any grant/funding information and a complete co
espondence address.]
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Challenges of infection control during Covid-19    3
Strategies for reducing infection during and after Covid-19    4
Infection control strategies adopted by healthcare workers    5
Contribution of nurses in preventing transmission of infection    6
Nurses’ perspectives on infection prevention in the hospital setting    7
Conclusion    9
References    10
The world has witnessed a hiker in the number of Covbif-29 infections in the past few days. The healthcare providers believe that it is the result of not following the basic hygiene procedures designed by WHO. In this regard, the nurses are provided with the responsibility to educate patients and the community on infection prevention and control in this pandemic situation. Therefore, the study highlights the difficulties encountered by the nurses in generating quality education to the people regarding infection prevention and control.
Challenges of infection control during Covid-19
Infection prevention and control is considered to be the highest priority activity for the hospitals along with quality improvement as the pandemic is likely to flare in the coming year. Therefore, interim infection prevention and control advice from CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is the best place to initiate solutions for the challenges associated with educating patients, clients and workers regarding Covid-19 infection (Reliasmedia, 2020). The CDC daily updates the infection control guidelines for managing Covid-19 patients. Additionally, the infectious disease scientists and physicians have addressed certain challenges concerning infection prevention in the era of the global pandemic in bi-weekly media conferences regarding the pandemic. The scientist highlights that besides educating the patients and clients regarding infection spread, prevention and control of the novel coronavirus, the complete novelty of the virus is another challenge for the healthcare professionals (Pu
a, 2020). When the first case was reported, the healthcare providers were unaware of the fact that the virus is infectious during the pre-symptomatic period that lasts for about five days.
Gradually, the scientist discovered that the virus is detectable in aerosols and can live up to 24-hours on cardboards, 2-3 days on plastics and stainless steels. For these reasons, it became important for healthcare professionals to educate staff on the significance of wearing masks or PPE on the site (Tsay et al., 2020). Additionally, it is challenging to convince people that even though reliable antibody rests for the virus are present, it is essential to wear masks and maintain respiratory hygiene as the virus has become ai
orne, as per the latest research works on Covid-19. In this regard, the healthcare professionals, especially the nurses must carefully plan the crisis strategy so that the patients, clients and community are educated on the infection prevention and control for the novel coronavirus.
Strategies for reducing infection during and after Covid-19
Healthcare-associated infections are crucial threats to the healthcare industry and most of the patients are infected during their hospital stay. Campbell et al. (2020) stated that each year more than two million patients are affected by hospital infections in the US that costs approximately $27 billion to $46 billion to the hospitals. In the wake of the pandemic, cash-strained providers focus on preventing hospital-associated infections. Therefore, the nurses have introduced the patients and clients to a wide range of innovative technologies. This ranges from UVC mobile devices that act as disinfection interventions and antimicrobial surface coatings to technologies supporting the evaluation of cleaning such as ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate Bioluminescence). Additionally, to prevent the spreading of infection, the healthcare sector has opted for regular cleaning of spaces, which is monitored by the healthcare staff.
Technology has been introduced to keep the patients safe from infection during the global pandemic by introducing technologies, thereby, enhancing efficacies and saving costs in the long run (Palmore, 2020). The nurses have found an effective technique to educate the community on infection prevention and control. This highlights education on environmental cleaning that can be enhanced through UVC disinfection or similar 'no-touch' technologies for total room decontamination. Moreover, the nurses believe that gaps in the protocol can be identified if smart UVC devices are introduced in the hospitals to decontaminate the surfaces. Technological disinfection is necessary as this helps the nurses to reduce contacts with the patients (Fernandez et al., 2020). However, it is challenging for the community as well as individuals if they are unaware to operate the smart devices.
Education concerning automation for room decontamination must be provided to the patients so that they can efficiently operate the devices without any help. On the other hand, the patients, clients and community must be...

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