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4 questions for final exam, the final exam has 4hours.Please see our Module 11 for our Final Module assignments and Final Exam Module. The due date for Final Exam is Next Sunday June 18, 2023...

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4 questions for final exam, the final exam has 4hours.
Please see our Module 11 for our Final Module assignments and Final Exam Module. The due date for Final Exam is Next Sunday June 18, 2023 Mid-Night (11:59 pm on Sunday).

Procedure for the final exam is exactly like mid-term, there are 4 questions 25 points each 100 points total, all problem solving.

You have 4 hours in one seating and one attempt. There should be plenty of time to do the exam in MS-Excel or MS-Word or hand written and scanned as a pdf document for submittal.

Answered 2 days After Jun 15, 2023


Prithwijit answered on Jun 17 2023
31 Votes

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