2020 S1 – HSYP8100: Foundations of Public Health Assessment Specifications Due Date Part A: 9.00am Wednesday 27th May 2019 (Week 12)Weighting Part A: 20%Part A: 5-minute oral presentation Part B: 2,000 words. Double spacing. 2.5cm margin Part C: 500 words. Double spacing. 2.5cm margin. Learning Outcomes Assessed 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Referencing Vancouver style How to Submit iLearn Turnitin Drobox Return of Assessment Via iLearn Turnitin Dropbox Background: Communicable and non-communicable diseases in specific populations are influenced by varying social, political and economic factors. How these factors affect and impact a disease in a specific population will differ depending on the country and location in which they occur. Often it is a combination of factors that shapes the course of the disease in a population. For example, when looking at HIV in South Africa, this disease has been influenced by social stigma and poor access to antiretroviral drugs (social factors), poor political will and governance on the issue (political factors) and poor public health expenditure on the condition (economic factor). Other examples of factors that shape disease include: • Social (e.g. awareness, inequalities, education, income, wealth, poverty, housing, occupation, social support) • Political (e.g. political climate, policy, policies on welfare, universal healthcare, legislation, law) • Economic (e.g. income, health and public health expenditure, economic status such as productivity/growth) You are asked to identify a major communicable or non-communicable disease/condition in a specific population (e.g. Diabetes in Fiji, Whooping cough in Australia, Depression in the elderly in India). Do not choose HIV/AIDS as your chosen disease. Please use the detailed information below and the rubrics to guide all parts of this assessment. HSYP8100 Foundations of Public Health| Assessment Task 3a & 3b/c – Oral Presentation & Written Assessment 2Description: Oral Presentation & Written ReportPart A: Oral Presentation (20%) You are asked to prepare and deliver a 5-minute oral presentation that informs a public/lay audience about how ONE factor has affected/is affecting your chosen disease and population. Do not use more than 5 slides in your presentation. A sixth slide should contain your references. Marks will be deducted if you: go over time, do not make good use of the 5 minutes allocation, do not have references provided. Provide only one introduction slide that briefly describes your chosen disease and population. You should spend no more that 1-minute discussing this. The focus of this presentation is on organisation and clear communication of ideas. Please find more information in the rubric for this assessment which you are encouraged to use as a guide for the development of your presentation. You are required to create your presentation using PowerPoint and to record narration to each slide. You are encouraged to use the webcam function. Please view the following resources for how to record narration to your slides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5dgwwa5XRA https://support.office.com/en-us/article/video-record-presentations-2570dff5-f81c-40bc-b404-e04e95ffab33 You will then need to submit this file to the Part A iLearn Dropbox.