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PART 1....USE TEMPLATE DRAFT BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE AS ATTACHEDIn assignment one, you have identified a problem or situation that required a change process. The idea has been discussed with appropriate senior staff and this assessment is the next step in developing your idea.

The next step is to develop your problem/situation into a preliminary change management proposal. Your role will be both leader and change agent to develop the change process to address this problem or issue in your work area.

Following the discussion with your manager about the proposed change, your manager asks you to prepare a draft business case to present to a senior staff group. The aim here is to seek approval to progress the proposal to a business case. The idea needs to be sold to the group with supporting evidence.

  1. Describe the change you are proposing and why it is required
  2. Purpose -Clearly define motivation for the proposed change and outline the objectives
  3. Strategic priorities -analyse how the proposition fits with local needs, national policies, the strategic direction of the organisation.
  4. Options – Explore alternative options, what is the impact of doing nothing?
  5. Benefits – What financial or non-financial outcomes are expected?
  6. Costs – Outline the recurrent and non -recurrent costs.
  7. Consider which theory you will use to structure your change and provide a rationale explaining why this is the best choice.

Essay format

This assessment continues the learning about effective change management. The learning continues with the development of a final business plan or business case document. Your aim is to convince the approvers that the evidence and proposal are robust and effective. Your proposal has been approved to move to the next stage, you will now prepare a more detailed proposal. The assessment is in report format however academic literacy and integrity is required.

For this assignment, you will use a report format, you may use the Business Case Template provided in resources. The assignment is considered an essay and you must use correct referencing, the introduction should be written as an executive summary, the body of the assignment will be the other elements of the assignment and the conclusion will contain the plans for sustaining the change in your workplace.

Assessment 3 -Written Business Case Report

  1. Executive summary
  2. Background -Describe the change, explain why this needs to change and how it fits with the strategic direction of the organisation.
  3. Develop goals and objectives and explain why these are effective in terms of being achievable in a specified time frame.
  4. Identify who will be involved or impacted by this change. Identify groups or individuals you will consult and assess the expected level of resistance from these stakeholders.
  5. Develop an action plan, including a communication plan to identify different levels of communication. Consider who, when, and how.
  6. Risk- Identify any risks associated with the proposed change and suggest risk mitigation strategies and include the option of doing nothing.
  7. Identify the cost of the change and indicate possible sources of funding if required.
  8. Outline the benefits of implementing the change.
  9. Consider the context of the situation, the stakeholders, and any special groups that may need to be consulted, for example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups, Consumer and other groups.
  10. Evaluation – How will the impacts of the proposed change be monitored, measured, and sustained in everyday practice.

  • This assessment task is about finalizing your business plan to seek approval to progress to the implementation phase.
  • Remember to check off each element with the rubric.
  • Free to ask questions or check your ideas with me or your tutor as you need.
  • Do not include any identifying information about people or places just the factual detail of the situation
  • Contact your course coordinator or your tutor for assistance
  • Reference correctly and appropriately
  • Listen to Collaborate sessions for additional guidance and to ask questions
  • Keep within the word count - + 10%

Answered Same Day Jun 07, 2021


Paulami answered on Jun 11 2021
143 Votes
ABC Health service
Name of organisation (for this assignment there is no need to put the name of your organisation)
Submitted to (Name/ Person/Committee)
Developed by (Name, position, work unit)
Date submitted
Executive summary
Burnout syndrome and transition training is the continual exposure to work-stress associated with poor in operation conditions, throughout that pleasure and work performance decrease. visual of this, it's thought of a multi-causal pathology, as a result of it's expounded to excessive exposure to prolonged stress; it's prove
ial aspects concerning several stressors at intervals the work su
oundings that imply the commitment of the worker’s health triggering the illness, evaluated per three components: depersonalization, exhaustion emotional, and experienced action. In the health area, nursing stands go in concert of the foremost exhausting professions thanks to entirely completely different circumstances in experienced observe inflicting physical and emotional exhaustion. The nurse is anticipated to perform patient care with patience and sympathy, tired a very nerve-wracking su
oundings, with few resources associate degreed AN excessive employment, thereby requiring nurses to look out a balance between these factors that interfere in their in operation life. Thus, nursing is one in each of the foremost nerve-wracking occupations. It is common to look out burnout syndrome in health professionals, significantly at intervals the sector of nursing. Some professionals manage to have an effect on the symptoms, but those who do not adapt to the long in operation conditions, lean type of professionals, and poor communication tend to feel physically and emotionally exhausted . For nurses, burnout reduces the pliability to produce care. Every day, nurses face the quandary of being human, empathetic, and sensitive, throughout piece su
oundings of the numerous responsibilities. Things discovered by professionals in patients, like expensive recovery or non-recovery, equally as a result of the dearth of capability to have an effect on dark things, like death, can turn out a way of impotence and experienced discontent. Therefore, burnout interference in health professionals, alongside nurses, contains a very important significance in promoting the physical and status of these service suppliers. Burnout affects temperament, performance, and productivity at work. The emotional responses that the illness can cause at intervals the long haul cause a nervousness that will hardly neutralize impromptu throughout this context, this study aimed to analyze the actions of interference and management at intervals the point to cut back burnout in nurses.
Burnout with reference to the occupations has significantly recognized as a major issue influencing many workers whose job is in relation with humans, significantly health-care masterful. Burnout syndrome has been wide studied and portrayed as a distu
ance caused by constant emotional and physical overload that patient care can involve. Nurse that suffer from burnout syndrome have emotional exhaustion, negative or misanthropically perspective to the patients, depersonalization and low personal implementation of their job. Community nursing is expounded to fret and burnout, which could impact heavily on the individuals and organizations (Costa & Moss, 2018). These impacts square measure usually every economically and put together the negatives effects on the quality of patient care. per a review that has been done by distinguished health association have declared that the health and good fortune of Nurses could be a ton of the number of nurses’ successfulness improves, the heaps of the patient care quality square measure aiming to be achieved. According to the literatures, the burnout among care professionals would possibly occur as a results of a variety of reasons also as, difference between what the person provides and receives at intervals the point, structure issues, emotional and physical intensity of medical care, stress in work-place, continues exhaustion, inadequate physical operative conditions, movement work schedules that disrupt social and family relationships, Unsafe operative setting, being exposed to the clients’ psychological, socioeconomic and physical problems, understaffing, lack of resources, inadequate salaries, inadequate security. There square measure reports in literatures that burnout is expounded to less employee job satisfaction, lower work productivity, mental and physical health, absence from work, ineffectiveness, social conflicts, reduced structure commitment, and it predicts accrued rates of illness, fatigue, substance misuse, depression, anxiety, i
itability and nurses abandoning their profession.
Goals and Objectives
This organize aimed to identify the hindrance ways that of burnout syndrome in nurses; and discuss the results for future interventions which will increase the promotion of the health of nurses and scale back burnout throughout this class of professionals. Based on that, following ar the goals and targets achieved. Q-active program Q-active program, that has been designed supported employees needs, consists of an expansion of activities and well-being courses throughout the day to suit wholly completely different in operation patterns. Samples of these activities could also be Nordic walking, belly dance, Pilates. Holistic care may be a very important item that has been thought-about throughout this program. This holistic care covers tutorial classes appreciate nutrition, stress management, weight management. Probability of obtaining free health screening, loyalty schemes, campaigns of health promotion and initiatives of health are thought-about to be provided for the employees throughout this project. Clinical oversight Several researches that has been done regarding the results of clinical oversight, has clearly shown that there is Associate in Nursing indirect relationship between economical clinical oversight and so the amount of burnout in employees (A
ogante & Aparicio-Zaldivar, 2017). Clinical oversight has been made public by many investigators as a professional relationship focused on follow reflected by acknowledged person that is orientating by a gifted supervisor. Clinical supervisor provides supports and steering through that the employees might feel valued and be detected. Staff, through clinical oversight, is additionally galvanized to equip themselves against problems and having management over work. Job plan Even though nurses can experience trusting relationship with their shoppers as...

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