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1.What You Need For Java You need to download and install the Java Development Kit JDK (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and an editor like Notepad++ or Sublime. You will write...

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1.What You Need For Java
You need to download and install the Java Development Kit JDK (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and an editor like Notepad++ or Sublime.
You will write your programs in a text editor, and then compile and run them from the command line/terminal.
Answered Same Day Jul 23, 2020


Gaurav answered on Jul 25 2020
149 Votes

Name: Erika Chao
Date: 24/07/2018
Description: Show "Hello World" in the command line/terminal
File Name:
Compile in terminal using command: javac
Run program in terminal using command: java HelloWorld
class HelloWorld
    public static void...

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