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With an explanation of one Catholic social thought principle and an analysis of one Sustainable Development Goal “target” throughout, write an argumentative essay answering these two questions: 
What is the most problematic structural issue in your future professional sector? How would you apply UNCC300 in the way you might approach collaborating with a local community organisation to respond to the structural issue once you complete your course of study at ACU? 
Your argument should (a) make the case for the importance of your chosen structural issue over at least one other issue and (b) justify your chosen approach to responding to the issue over at least one other approach.
It is a requirement that you:
1. identify your chosen structural issue, course of study, future professional sector, local community organisation.
2. demonstrate engagement with all five-unit modules, specifically: your response must explicitly explain the relationship Modules 1 and 2 have with Modules 3, 4, and 5. In other words, convince your reader that you’re across everything in UNCC300’s learning schedule.
3. cite a range of at least six academic and/or official resources that are located in the unit materials (e.g., unit bibliography, LEO books, tutorials) or in similar journals, websites, etc. Use an appropriate, eclectic, synthesised sample of material from the unit, including course- and professional sector-specific literature that is directly relevant to your piece.
4. in satisfying these research requirements above in item c), aim to incorporate an appropriate level of critical detail, and to integrate multiple different perspectives, even – and especially – if you do not agree with all of them.
Answered 14 days After Nov 16, 2023


Ayan answered on Dec 01 2023
25 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Identification of Structural Issue, Course of Study, Future Professional Sector, and Local Community Organization    4
Course of Study: Nursing at ACU    4
Future Professional Sector: Healthcare Sector - Nursing Practice    4
Local Community Organization: Community Health Center or Non-profit Clinic    4
Catholic Social Thought Principle    5
Sustainable Development Goal Target    6
Relationship between UNCC300 Modules    6
Analysis and Argumentation    7
Identification of Most Problematic Structural Issue    7
Application of UNCC300 in Addressing the Issue    8
Conclusion    10
References    11
    The nursing profession is a cornerstone in the constantly changing field of healthcare, representing compassionate care and advocacy for people in need. The urgent problems facing the healthcare industry, especially those pertaining to systemic disparities in access to treatment, have become more and more obvious to me as an ACU nursing student. The most prevalent and concerning problem in this field is the substantial differences in healthcare accessibility that underprivileged groups face as a result of socioeconomic circumstances. In addition to impeding the fundamental human right to high-quality healthcare, this structural problem exace
ates already-existing social disparities, which compromises the well-being and reduces possibilities for disadvantaged people.
    Understanding and resolving these structural imbalances are made possible by the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the lens of Catholic social thinking principles (Gas-Aixendri & Albareda-Tiana, 2019). In particular, the urgent need to provide priority to those most impacted by healthcare disparities is in line with the "Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable" premise. Furthermore, Target 3.8 of the SDGs highlights everyone's access to high-quality healthcare, emphasizing the need to address this issue globally. Leveraging these principles is essential to creating a more inclusive and equitable healthcare environment as the relationship between professional practice and ethical obligations in the field of medicine continues to develop. In order to
ing about long-lasting change, this article will explore the complexities of this structural problem in the healthcare industry and will argue in favor of a cooperative strategy based on community empowerment and involvement.
Identification of Structural Issue, Course of Study, Future Professional Sector, and Local Community Organization
    Unequal access to healthcare services for underprivileged people is a prevalent and wo
ying issue in the healthcare sector (Christie, Gunton & Hejnowicz, 2019). Socioeconomic variables including income, education, work, and resource availability are the main causes of these differences. Numerous negative effects ensue from this problem, such as restricted access to healthcare, treatments that are postponed or refused, and general health outcomes that are damaged. Inequalities already present in society are made worse by a lack of access, which disproportionately affects disadvantaged groups and feeds the cycle of poverty and illness.
Course of Study: Nursing at ACU
    Students enrolled in ACU's nursing program graduate with a thorough grasp of clinical procedures, ethics, and patient care from an all-encompassing perspective. It highlights the vital role that nurses play in tackling societal health challenges, putting evidence-based therapies into practice, and advocating for patients' well-being.
Future Professional Sector: Healthcare Sector - Nursing Practice
    Following completion of the nursing program, students enter the healthcare industry as registered nurses (de Vries, 2019). They work as direct patient care providers, health educators, and wellness promoters in a variety of settings, including clinics, hospitals, community health centers, and homes.
Local Community Organization: Community Health Center or Non-profit Clinic
    This neighborhood group is committed to resolving healthcare inequities in the area, particularly for marginalized groups. In order to improve disadvantaged populations' access to healthcare; it could provide preventative care, health education programs, primary healthcare services, and advocacy efforts (Gue
a et al., 2021). This thorough identification lays the groundwork for comprehending the particular environment in which the structural problem of insufficient healthcare access exists, directly relating it to the intended field of study, future career path, and possible partnership with a nea
y community group.
Catholic Social Thought Principle
    In tackling social injustices, especially in the area of healthcare, the Catholic social philosophy idea of the "Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable" serves as a light of hope. This idea, which has its...

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