16. Practise the process of developing an individualised plan with three people at different stages of life and with different interests. Where possible, choose people with a disability who are not very active in the local community already.
Follow the process below for each person:
1. If the person you choose does not have a disability, assume one. (When repeating the activity with other people always assume a different disability).
2. Make the practice as real as possible. You may want to create a table to collect the information.
3. Discuss the person’s goals. Focus on social and community involvement or things they would like to achieve in their community.
4. Discuss their cu
ent involvement, how it came about, what they get (and give) from it.
5. Brainstorm some new activities, organizations or opportunities that may be of interest given their goals and make a list. Don’t rule anything out.
6. Consider the type of involvement that would suit the person best (regular, weekly, monthly).
7. Consider the benefits of each idea and priorities two or three opportunities.
8. Discuss strategies for getting involved in the prefe
ed opportunities.
9. Consider any potential ba
iers to involvement; travel, cost, attitudes, location, access.
10. Consider any supports the person would need to investigate and fully participate in the opportunity.
11. List the resources they would they need; money, equipment, aids or devices, modifications.
12. Estimate what these supports and resources might cost. Consider possible sources of funding for these resources.
13. Finally, discuss the process with the person. Consider the following questions:
a. What did you learn about the person?
. What did the person learn about himself or herself?
c. Was the process comfortable or confronting?
d. How would you run the process differently next time? Why would you make these changes?
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Greg works for an AOD agency and has conducted an intake assessment of a client with complex issues. This is the information he notes:
Name: Emmanuella Salako?
Born: 1/2/1988, Chile?
Nationality: Chilean?
Citizenship status: Permanent resident
Religion: None stated
Address: No cu
ent residence?
Contact phone: Mobile XXXXXXXXXX?
Emergency contact: Freda Salako (Mother) Ph: XXXXXXXXXX
Education: St Mary’s High School, Year 10?
Emmanuella presents with:
• a heroin dependency
• borderline personality disorde
• risk of kidney failure.
During the intake interview and assessment, Greg also learns that Emmanuella has been involved in sex work and drug trafficking. She has a criminal conviction for possession of heroin. He learns that she frequently thinks about suicide, to the point of making plans. She has made one suicide attempt six months ago and was hospitalised as a result.
Emmanuella cu
ently has no medical or psychological support. She has no employment or income and has no permanent address. She has been sleeping on the street or at friend’s houses. She has $50 to her name, which is in cash, and is due her next Centrelink payment on Thursday. She has no private health insurance.
a. List all of the issues and factors that you have identified in the case study.
. Using examples from the case study, explain how physical, psychological, social and cultural issues and factors can be inte
c. Explain the evaluation process that you would use to identify and analyse Emmanuella’s needs.
d. When assessing complex needs, what issues should be considered as urgent?
e. What type of services would you recommend to address the issues that Emmanuella requires support for?
f. What strategies can Greg use to determine Emmanuella’s eligibility to access these services?
g. Prior to conducting the assessment of Emmanuella’s needs, Greg was required to undertake a risk assessment. What is the purpose of a risk assessment?
h. What considerations must Greg make when a hazard is identified during the risk assessment process?
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Assessor Comments: Please review attached file and resubmit. Part of your answer is co
ect and part of it is not, please read information provided and resubmit. c)Step 1: Gap analysis Compare Emmanuella’s cu
ent situation with a desired or necessary situation, then identify the difference (gaps) between these situations. Step 2: Identify Priorities Examine and prioritise Emmanuella’s needs and potential support service requirements taking into account significance of the need; severity of the need; impact of the need on other aspects of her life; her safety and security; personal priorities and goals, desired outcome; available resources; cost effectiveness and availability of funding. Step 3: Identify aspects of the need to be addressed Consider the cause of Emmanuella’s need and how it relates to other needs. Identify opportunities, such as the existing capabilities she has, existing resources she has access to and potential service and funding options available. Step 4: Identify possible solutions Identify possible solutions to address Emmanuella’s needs. Consider alternative solutions and negotiate support options with her and relevant service providers. Example response to Question 4 d)Urgent issues listed should include the following: • Risk of death • Risk of suicide • Risk of harm • Risk of homelessness e)Answers may include the following. • Housing: Accommodation support options include: private rental assistance private rental subsidies temporary accommodation emergency temporary accommodation supported and crisis accommodation affordable housing for low to moderate income earners social housing, which includes public, community and housing for Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples. In Emmanuella’s case it would be appropriate to refer to an agency who deals with emergency accommodation and supported accommodation to address her immediate need for housing and provide support for mental illness and heroin dependence. • Financial: Emmanuella is cu
ently receiving Centerlink income support; however, her cu
ent circumstances indicate that she is suffering financial hardship. She may benefit from financial counselling and money management services, and she may also require financial, food and essentials aid from non-government organisations to meet her needs. • Mental health: There are a range of mental health options available to Emmanuella, these are run by both government and non-government organisations. They include community based and inpatient programs depending upon the level of support needed. An initial mental health assessment will be required to establish her mental health needs, which may be conducted by the local community mental health team, medical officers or psychologist. • Physical health: A physical health assessment is required to determine Emmanuella’s physical health needs, which may be conducted by a medical officer or GP. This assessment will help to establish what Emmanuella’s physical health needs are, and whether refe
al is required to specialist or diagnostic services. • AOD: Both government and non-government organisations provide support for people with AOD dependence issues, refe
al may be required to services that are capable of conducting an Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) to identify which interventions are appropriate, or an Severity of Dependence Screening Instrument (SDS) to assess the degree of Emmanuella’s dependence on heroin. Identification of appropriate services can then be established. • Employment: There are a number of government and non-government services available to assist people to
oker job opportunities, identify suitable job opportunities for a person, help the person prepare for the recruitment process and obtain employment. Some agencies specialise in employment services for people with mental health issues, such a service would be beneficial for Emmanuella’s circumstances. f) By maintaining a close working relationship with relevant service providers, Greg is more likely to understand which services have the resources to meet a particular need. To keep track of the range of services available, he should have attended service network meetings and link into online service networks. To support Emmanuella, he should discuss the complexity and urgency of her needs with the potential service providers. This is an efficient way of determining her eligibility for the service. g) Risk assessment is conducted prior to assessment to identify any hazards that may pose a risk to the assessor, person being assessed, other staff and others present. h) When a hazard has been identified, Greg needs to consider how likely it is that the risks will occur (the likelihood), and what the effects may be if the risk occurs (the impact). Then he can decide what control measures should be put in place to effectively remove or control the risk. He could use a risk assessment matrix to evaluate a risk, to assess the likelihood and impact, and determine the level of the risk where these intersect on the matrix. Part of your question is
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