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Health and Society Assessment 3 Instructions Application of Knowledge and Academic Writing Intent: For students to apply key concepts learned throughout the semester and develop academic writing....

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Health and Society
Assessment 3 Instructions
Application of Knowledge and Academic Writing
Intent: For students to apply key concepts learned throughout the semester and develop academic
This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s) A, B, C, D, E, F and G
This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attribute(s): 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0
Weight: 40%

Task: Students will be provided with three questions related to key topics explored during the subject.
For each question, students will write an extended response incorporating a strong evidence base and
application to the REM framework (year one portion only). Students will be provided an opportunity
to demonstrate application and understanding of key concepts through academic writing.
Length: Three extended response answers that are approximately 500 words in length each.
Assessment 3 Questions:
Choose one health issue from the list below:
ï‚· Smoking
ï‚· Coronary heart disease
Answer all of the three questions below based upon this one health issue.
Question 1

Discuss two different reasons for inequity between Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous
Australians in relation to this health issue.

Question 2

Provide one example of a Primary Health Care intervention that is addressing this health issue for
Indigenous Australians. Explain the impact this intervention is having on reducing inequity.

Question 3

Discuss how cultural knowledge and sensitivity in health care may affect access Primary Health Care
services. Provide one example based on your chosen health issue.
Format: Students must use the template provided to write their extended responses and
submit via Turnitin.

Due: 11.55pm Sunday 27 May 2018
Further information: See UTS online for further information about the marking criteria and the REM

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Health and Society Assessment 3: Ru

High Distinction 85-
Distinction 75-84% Credit 65-74% Pass 50-64% Unsatisfactory 0-49%
Structure - 20%

Each extended
esponse includes
discussion and
Extended response
answers include an
outstanding structure
consisting of a concise
introduction, a clear
and focused discussion
and compelling

Extended response
answers include an
excellent structure
consisting of a concise
introduction, a focused
discussion and
compelling conclusion.
Extended response
answers include a
good structure
consisting of a clear
introduction, a
discussion and clear
Extended response
answers include a
satisfactory structure
consisting of an
introduction, a
discussion and a
Extended response
answers do not include
an introduction, a
discussion and a
Discussion - 40%

Discussion within
extended responses
application and
understanding of key

Discussion within each
extended response
incorporate a strong
Outstanding discussion
- inequity between
Indigenous Australians
and non-Indigenous
- the impact of one
health intervention on
educing inequity
- how cultural
knowledge and
sensitivity in health
care may affect access
Primary Health Care
All key concepts are
addressed and all
Excellent discussion
- inequity between
Indigenous Australians
and non-Indigenous
- the impact of one
health intervention on
educing inequity
- how cultural
knowledge and
sensitivity in health
care may affect access
Primary Health Care
Majority of key
concepts are
Good discussion on:
- inequity between
Indigenous Australians
and non-Indigenous
- the impact of one
health intervention on
educing inequity
- how cultural
knowledge and
sensitivity in health
care may affect access
Primary Health Care
Most key concepts are
addressed and
A reasonable attempt
has been made to
- inequity between
Indigenous Australians
and non-Indigenous
- the impact of one
health intervention on
educing inequity
- how cultural
knowledge and
sensitivity in health
care may affect access
Primary Health Care
Some key concepts are
A limited and incomplete
discussion on:
- inequity between
Indigenous Australians
and non-Indigenous
- the impact of one
health intervention on
educing inequity
- how cultural
knowledge and
sensitivity in health care
may affect access
Primary Health Care
No key concepts are
addressed and
Page 2 of 3

areas of discussion are
supported with an
outstanding evidence
addressed and
majority of discussion
is supported with an
excellent evidence

supported with a good
evidence base.
addressed and parts of
discussion are
supported with a
satisfactory evidence
discussion is not
supported with an
evidence base.
Discussion - 20%

Discussion within each
extended response
application to REM
framework by:
- reflecting
thoughtfully on own
and others privilege
- recognising the
diversity of Indigenous
Extended response
answers demonstrate
understanding of
espect and value for
worldview differences
of Australian
Indigenous ways of
knowing, being and
doing. Writing
demonstrates cultural
humility and nuanced
understanding of
diversity and privilege.

Extended response
answers demonstrate
understanding of
espect and value for
worldview differences
of Australian
Indigenous ways of
knowing, being and
doing. Writing
demonstrates nuanced
understanding of
diversity and privilege.

Extended response
answers demonstrate
good understanding of
espect and value for
worldview differences
of Australian
Indigenous ways of
knowing, being and
doing. Writing
understanding of
diversity and privilege.
Extended response
answers demonstrate
understanding of
espect and value for
worldview differences
of Australian
Indigenous ways of
knowing, being and
doing. Writing
demonstrates some
understanding of
diversity and privilege.
Extended response
answers demonstrate
understanding of respect
and value for worldview
differences of Australian
Indigenous ways of
knowing, being and
doing. Writing
demonstrates a limited
understanding of
diversity and privilege.
Respectful Language -

Discussion within each
extended response
application to REM
framework by using
culturally appropriate
language when writing
about Indigenous
Writing demonstrates
inclusive and culturally
appropriate language
at all times.
Writing demonstrates
inclusive and culturally
appropriate language
majority of time.
Writing demonstrates
inclusive and culturally
appropriate language
most of the time.
Writing demonstrates
an attempt has been
made to use inclusive
and culturally
appropriate language
however frequent
ors have been
Writing consists of
culturally inappropriate
Page 3 of 3

Quality of Referencing
- 10%

All work referenced as
per UTS Harvard style
Outstanding range of
evidence based
literature. Accurate in-
text citations as per
UTS Harvard Style. Nil
ors in main
eference list as per
UTS Harvard Style.
Excellent range of
evidence based
literature. Minor e
only in in-text citations
as per UTS Harvard
Style. Infrequent
ors in main
eference list as per
UTS Harvard Style.

Good range of
evidence based
literature. Some e
in in-text citations as
per UTS Harvard Style.
Minor e
ors in main
eference list as per
UTS Harvard Style.
Satisfactory range of
evidence based
literature. Frequent
ors in-text citations
as per UTS Harvard
Style. Frequent e
in main reference list
as per UTS Harvard
Unsatisfactory range of
evidence based
literature. Inaccurate in-
text citations as per UTS
Harvard Style. Inaccurate
main reference list per
UTS Harvard Style.

Health and Society Assessment 3
    Extended ResponseTemplate
Choose one health issue from the list below:
· Smoking
· Coronary heart disease
Answer all of the three questions below based upon this one health issue.
Each extended response should be approximately 500 words in length each.
The reference list for all three extended response should be provided under the references heading of this template.
    Question 1
Discuss two different reasons for inequity between Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians in relation to this health issue.
    Question 2
Provide one example of a Primary Health Care intervention that is addressing this health issue for Indigenous Australians. Explain the impact this intervention is having on reducing inequity.
    Question 3
Discuss how cultural knowledge and sensitivity in health care may affect access Primary Health Care services. Provide one example based on your chosen health issue.

Interactive Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
Harvard UTS
Interactive Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
Welcome to the Interactive
Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
Click on the upper left menu to
jump to the generic reference
section you are after, and from
there specify the article you would
like to reference.
Use the forward and back a
in the top right corner to navigate
through the PDF.
This document is an interactive PDF and is designed to help
you reference quickly and simply.
This document can also be scrolled through like a regular PDF and can be printed off.
Interactive Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
Please Click On What You Would Like To Reference:
Interactive Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
Reference List Model
1.1 One Autho
In Use
Explanation The key elements for this book reference are:
Author’s family name followed by initials
Book title (in italics)
Place of publication
When you cite a reference in the text of your document,
use the author’s surname and the year of publication.
If you are quoting, enclose the quote in single quotation
marks and add a page number into the text citation.
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Sangeeta answered on May 19 2020
150 Votes
Health and Society Assessment 3
    Extended ResponseTemplate
Choose one health issue from the list below:
· Smoking
· Coronary heart disease
Answer all of the three questions below based upon this one health issue.
Each extended response should be approximately 500 words in length each.
The reference list for all three extended response should be provided under the references heading of this template.
    Question 1
Discuss two different reasons for inequity between Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians in relation to this health issue.
There exists vast life-expectation and health inequality among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Such inequality involves shorter life expectancy, greater levels of infant mortality, poorer health and lastly, lower education and employment levels (Wilson, 2003). Further, the below sections highlight two different reasons for inequity between indigenous Australians and non-indigenous Australian with respect to chronic heart issues.
Lack of Proper Rights and Privileges
Enhancing the health condition of Indigenous people within Australia is seen as being a long-lasting issue for government within Australia. Moreover, the gap in health status amongst non-Indigenous and Indigenous Australians continues to be excessively large (Fiscella et. al., 2002). It has been recognized as being a human rights issue through the United Nations committee and Australian government. Additionally, the health condition of indigenous peoples is poor in contrast with remaining Australian populace. There continues to be a wide inequality gap within Australia across all statistics. For example, there is an estimated gap of approximately 17 years between Indigenous as well as non-Indigenous people life expectation within Australia (Wilson, 2003). Additionally, for all age sets under the age of 65 years, the age-particular death rates for Indigenous people in Australia are about double those faced through the non-Indigenous populace.
Lack of Proper and Adequate Healthcare Provisions
With respect to Coronary heart disease it has been observed that indigenous people don’t hold an equal chance for being as fit as non-Indigenous people. ‘The comparative socioeconomic drawback faced through indigenous people in contrast with non-Indigenous individuals puts them at higher threat of exposure to heart related issues as does the greater percentage of Indigenous populace, which resides under circumstances that don’t support sound health (Wilson, 2003). Additionally, indigenous people also don’t have equal admittance to primary health care as well as health framework (involving safe drinking water, sound sewerage structures, ga
age collection provisions as well as healthy housing). There has been quite low advancement in trimming down such inequality gap among indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia over the period of last several years, for instance with respect to long term actions like life expectation (Fiscella et. al., 2002). Although there have been enhancements of few measures of trimming down heart related issues and indigenous health condition, but they have failed to match the speedy gains of health made among the general populace within Australia.
The new age model of the indigenous population implies towards the fact that the level of the Coronary heart disease at present is likely to perk up during the future years. The rise in absolute terms of the size of indigenous populace would call for noteworthy enhancements in programs and services basically for keeping pace with demand and maintaining the status quo,...

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