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1 Topic-Authentication and access control in banking sector 2 Rationale 1. Problem domain 2. Purpose and justification 3. Background Information 3 Research Questions (very Important) Questions:...

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1 Topic-Authentication and access control in banking sector

2 Rationale

1. Problem domain

2. Purpose and justification

3. Background Information

3 Research Questions (very Important)


What is the aim or objective of your research in banking sector?

What is the use of the project?

Why it is important?

How it works in real scenario?

4 Theoretical Framework

5 Methodology

1. Analysis of sources of information (EndNote, APA Referencing Style)

2. Research method(s)

3. Data collection or systems design methods

4. Ethical Issues: Research and Professional Ethics Statement

5. Compliance Requirements (Workplace, Industry or Government regulations)

6 Project Plan

1. Deliverables (Annotated Bibliography, Journal Paper, Report, Seminar)

2. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

3. Risk Analysis

4. Duration

5. Gantt chart

7 References


Answered Same Day Aug 07, 2021


Kuldeep answered on Aug 08 2021
147 Votes
Authentication & Control
Authentication & Control
Topic: Authentication and access control in banking secto
Student Name:
Unit Name:
University Name:
Rationale    3
Questions:    4
Theoretical Framework    5
Methodology    5
Project Plan    9
Deliverables (Annotated Bibliography, Report, Journal Paper, Seminar)    9
eakdown structure (WBS)    9
References    13
Problem domain
Today, most organizations are alert of the significance of the competitive tools as well as biggest IT solutions that can help gain a competitive advantage. Biometrics is arising technology, which is a method of automatically identifying people through fingerprints, signature, hand geometry, retina, as well as voice characteristics. This advanced technology can play an important role in defending bank assets to provide a secure banking environment. Nevertheless, biometric technology is in its infancy in banking business, and the implementation of such leading technologies involves many unsolved problems. There have also been a few studies on amodern Information Technologysafety applications in past, and they proposed the concepts and basic factors of system safety models or technical standards [1]. In order to improve safety system solution to meet individual business requirements, most of the studies on strategic concepts and security processes have also been conducted. Nevertheless, few studies have been conducted on the problems and success elements of biometric solutions furthermore the direction of proposing feasible biometric implementation strategies to achieve a safer banking environment.
Purpose and justification
Use case studies to recognizeor discuss problemsas well as success factor su
ounding biometric technology, particularly in context of the user verificationmoreover control in banking sector [2].
Background Information
Major Banks including New Zealand is committed to developing a new kind of online-based virtual banking service, mobile banking and wireless systems to improve business competitiveness. Nevertheless, despite the high advantages of using some services anytime, everywhere, they lead to higher risks, which are related to general network-related threats.
Research Questions
RQ1: What is significance of authentication and access control in banking sector?
RQ2: How it’s significant for the banks to include authentication and access control in banking sector?
What is the aim or objective of your research in banking sector?
Understand cu
ent IT safety processes or strategies. (2) Know the popular IT security infrastructures. (3) Gain leadership in IT protection. (4) Obtain the understanding and appreciation of employees and management of the security access solution using biometrics. (5) Identify key issues and concerns.
What is the use of the project?
Although the biometric system has been successfully applied in fields for examplecriminology and immigration control, there are few implementations and studies related to the banking environment. Due to socio-technical issues, not all the banks risk using biometric solutions to increase their safety systems [3]. This paper satisfies the need for guidelines for identifying various problems or success elements for the implementation of viable biometric technology in an access control system of the banks. This work is just the initial point for scholars to conduct research on application of the biometrics in all aspects of banking.
Why it is important? & how it works in real scenario?
The structure of this article is follows as. The other section will introduce the development background of case study as well as the research methods used. After that, we summarized the latest state of emerging technologies related to biometrics from the literature, and determined the cu
ent IS security model mainly adopted by the banking business. In this case, we studied the applicability of the biometric-enabled safety systems moreover access control in some models [4]. The next section presents the results of a pilot study also conducted in the NZ Banking Organization, which identified the main problemsor key success elements including adoption of the biometric solutions. Then, we discuss a project known as Bio-Sec, which uses biometric-enabled control in large banking organizations. Lastly, we emphasized future research probabilities moreover conclusions reached.
Theoretical Framework
With the increasing stage of transaction fraud and security
eaches, the want for extremelysafe identification as well as personal verification IS has become particularly significant, particularly in the financial and banking fields. Biometric technology has attracted several banking associations and has become a nearly ideal solution to address such safety risks [5]. Although biometric technology has gain attention in the fields of criminology and healthcare, its application in the field of bank security is in its infancy. Because of close connection between biometric technology and human, behavioral and physical aspects, these technologies pose many ethical, social, and management challenges. This preliminary study shows that in addition to solving the technical problems of integrating biometrics into available IS, it is essential to develop practical security plans to address user privacy concerns, human tolerance, association’s changes, as well as legal problems [6].
Analysis of sources of information (EndNote, APA Referencing Style)
1. Research methods
The literature survey and analysis of the existing ISor biometric safety models of the banking industry provide a practical and theoretical background for this working. By considering several challenges and issues from technical, management,...

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