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Chapter 13 Projects Graduate Diploma Level 7 (Information Technology Strand) STD511 Java Programming NQF Level 5, 10 credits Project (Worth 50% of final Mark) (50 Marks) Instructions and guidelines...

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Chapter 13 Projects

Graduate Diploma
Level 7
(Information Technology Strand)
STD511 Java Programming
NQF Level 5, 10 credits
(Worth 50% of final Mark)

(50 Marks)

Instructions and guidelines for the assignment:

1. Submission date and time: ___________________________________.
2. The completed assignment must be handed to the lecturer at the beginning of the
class on the due date.
3. Submit a print and bonded copy of your report along with the electronic copy of all
work. The lecturer will inform you how to submit the soft copy.
4. Warning: All media must be virus free! Media containing virus or media that
cannot be run directly will result in a FAIL grade.
5. You must read and understand Aspire2’s policy on ‘Academic Dishonesty and
Plagiarism’. Assignments completed using unfair means or plagiarised will receive a
FAIL grade.
6. The report must have a title page with your name, class and id number clearly
7. Start working on the assignment as soon as it has been handed out in the class.
Working on the assignment right from day one will ensure that it is completed on time.
8. Work through each task, making copies of the source codes, diagrams and output
produced as you complete them as they will be required as part of your submission.
9. Use the right naming and indentation style. Use comments to document each class
and method.
10. Assignments will be judged on the basis of completeness, co
ectness and
Learning Outcome Targeted:

ï‚· Undertake software development projects of moderate complexity using an object
oriented development framework, such as Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java
Project Description
Your project will be a small system developed using Java. You are required to use all
the knowledge acquired throughout the course.
Task 1 – Project Scope (3 marks)
It is important that you pick your project carefully, as you will be working on it throughout
the term. It is much easier and fun to work on a project that is interesting and
meaningful to you.
Each student has to select one of the projects provided at the end of this document.
Students are also engorged to work on other projects they would proposed but they
need first to write a short description like the one given at the end of document and seek
the lecturer approval.
Write an introduction (1-2 page) that concludes the project idea, its main functionality,
the goal and objectives of project.
Task 2 – Project Design (12 marks)
Once your project proposal has been approved by your lecturer you can move to design
your project. The design document usually includes the UML class diagram along with
description. In your design you should:
Program Design
1) Have at least three classes.
2) List all the data and methods of each class.
3) Use different kind of relationships between classes.
4) Use at least one Inheritance relationship.
5) Describe the functionality of each method.
6) Describe the purpose of each data item
Database design
1. Have at least two tables.
2. Describe the need for each table
3. Describe each filed in each table
4. Describe the relationships between the tables.
GUI design
1. Have at least three screens
2. Have used different components like text boxes, labels, buttons, list, …etc.
3. Describe the need for each screen and the use of each element
Task 3 – Project Implementation (20 Marks)
In this task you need to write the Java code to implement your design, make sure to
meet the object oriented programming principles such as:
ï‚· Objects exhibit polymorphic behaviour and persistence
ï‚· Objects interact with outside world through method invocation.
ï‚· The impact of the modification is limited by encapsulation.
ï‚· The use of method overloading to provide flexibility to users
ï‚· Inheritance is used to modify class behaviour.
ï‚· GUI elements are programmed properly to provide user friendly interface.
ï‚· JDBC is co
ectly used and configured to connect to database,
ï‚· Add, delete, and update operations are performed co
ectly on the database
ï‚· Uses language instructions that facilitate the understanding of the code (comments,
indentation, code structure...)
Task 4 – Project Testing (5 Marks)
Perform Junit testing to test the main methods in your project (at least five) and
document the testing results.
Task 5: Documentation and Final Submission (10)
You are required to submit a report that include the following items:
1. Introduction
2. Design document including UML Class Diagram and other supported design
3. Source code
4. Program output
5. Testing Code and result

Sample Projects Ideas
Payroll System:
As an IT Professional at XYZ company, you are tasked with building a new payroll
system to replace the existing system which is hopelessly out of date. XYZ needs a new
system to allow employees to record time card information electronically and
automatically generate paychecks based on the number of hours worked and total
amount of sales (for commissioned employees). The new system will be state of the art
and will have a Windows-based desktop interface to allow employees to enter timecard
information, change employee preferences (such as payment method), enter purchase
orders, and create various reports. The system will retain information on all employees
in the company. The system must pay each employee the co
ect amount, on time, by
the method that they specify (see possible payment methods described later).
Some employees work by the hour and they are paid an hourly rate. They submit daily
timecards that record the date and number of hours worked for a particular charge
number. If someone works for more than 8 hours, XYZ pays them 1.5 times their normal
ate for those extra hours. Hourly workers are paid every Friday.
Some employees are paid a flat salary. Even though they are paid a flat salary, they
submit daily timecards that record the date and hours worked. This is so the system can
keep track of the hours worked against particular charge numbers. They are paid on the
last working day of the month. Some of the salaried employees also receive a
commission based on their sales. They submit purchase orders that reflect the date and
amount of the sale. The commission rate is determined for each employee, and is one
of 10%, 15%, 25%, or 35%. Sales people are paid every other Friday.
One of the most requested features of the new system is employee reporting.
Employees will be able to query the system for number of hours worked, totals of all
hours billed to a project (i.e., charge number), remaining vacation time, etc. The
eporting feature will be available either through the desktop or the web interface.
Employees can choose their method of payment. They can have their paychecks mailed
to the postal address of their choice, or they can request direct deposit and have their
paycheck deposited into a bank account of their choosing. The employee may also
choose to pick their paychecks up at the office. Employee information is maintained by
the Payroll Administrator who is responsible for adding new employees, deleting
employees and changing all employee information such as name, address, payment
method and payment classification (hourly, salaried, commissioned), as well as running
administrative reports.

Inventory System:
Supermarket requires stock control system to void out of stock level for each product. A
purchasing admin will be able to process an order by entering product numbers and
equired quantities into the system. The system will display a description, price and
available stock. In-stock products will normally be collected immediately by the
customer from the store. If stock is not available, the purchasing admin will be able to
create a backorder for the product. The system will allow products to be paid by cash.
Order details for in-stock products will be printed including the quantity, product number
and description.
The store manager will be able at any time to print a summary report of sales in the
store for a given period, including assignment of sales to sales assistants in order to
calculate weekly sales. The stock manager will be able to monitor stock levels and
weekly run-rates in order to set minimum stock levels and requisition products which fall
elow the minimum stock levels or for which demand is anticipated. When the stock
ives it will be booked in by the warehouse person. Stock that has been backordered
for collection from the store is held in a separate area and the store manager advised of
its a
ival. The catalogue of available products will be maintained remotely.

Project Marking Schedule

Marking Criteria Designed
Task 1: Scope
Introduction (1-2 page) that concludes
the project idea, its main functionality,
the goal and objectives of project.
Total of Task 1
Task 2: Design
At least three classes used in the UML
class diagram and all the data and
methods of each class have been listed.
Different kind of relationships between
classes have been used with at least
one inheritance relationship.
The functionality of each method and the
purpose of each data item has been
At least two table has been designed, all
field have been described, the
elationships between tables have been
At least three screens have been
designed, different elements have been
used, the description of the screen and
elements have been provided.





Total of Task 2
Task 3:
Answered Same Day Jun 08, 2021 STD511 Aspire2 International


Aditya answered on Jun 10 2021
138 Votes
Project idea:
This project is used to manage the inventory of the store. With the help of this project you can easily manage all the goods of the store, with the help of this you can track how much sales happen and how much profit you made from that. You can also print the billing details of a particular customer using this project.
This task has two fundamental on-screen characters that is administrator and senior supervisor, A buying administrator will have the option to process a request by entering item numbers and required amounts into the framework. The framework will show a portrayal, cost and accessible stock. On the off chance that stock isn't accessible, the buying administrator will have the option to make a delay purchase for the item.
The senior supervisor will have the option to print a synopsis report of deals in the store for a given period, remembering task of deals to deals partners for request to ascertain week by week deals. The stock director will have the option to screen stock levels and week by week run-rates so as to set least stock levels and order items which fall underneath the base stock levels or for which request is...

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