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1. Find an article about leadership styles by Daniel Goleman, published in Harvard Business Review in 2000, and identify its source type2. Read the article, make notes and summarise your findings in...

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1. Find an article about leadership styles by Daniel Goleman, published in Harvard Business Review in 2000, and identify its source type2. Read the article, make notes and summarise your findings in 3-4 paragraphs XXXXXXXXXXwords)3. Provide a reference (or citation) of the article for inclusion in a List of References (LOR) or Bibliography, using the Harvard style
Answered Same Day May 03, 2020


Soumi answered on May 05 2020
124 Votes
Table of Contents
1. Article on Leadership Styles by Daniel Goleman and identifying its Source Type    3
2. Summarizing the Findings of the Article    3
3. Bibliography    4
1. Article on Leadership Styles by Daniel Goleman and identifying its Source Type
The article on leadership styles by Goleman (2000) has been sourced from the Harvard Business Review. It is a business management magazine that publishes news and articles on the business conditions, contexts and opinions from various acclaimed organizations. It is published by the Harvard University through their Harvard Business Publishing.
2. Summarizing the Findings of the Article
According to Goleman (2000), leadership is an outcome of effective emotional intelligence, where the individual is able to guide the workforce of...

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