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1. Complete the following using the BodyFat data file. Some questions require you to set up and calculate the answers yourselves and use Stata to verify. Be sure and use the slides/book/or other...

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1. Complete the following using the BodyFat data file. Some questions require you to set up and calculate the answers yourselves and use Stata to verify. Be sure and use the slides/book/or other resources to help you express formulas appropriately and correctly.

    1. Use Stata to create a new categorical variable called age_cat that dichotomizes age on the median age value. (You will need to determine this value based on the distribution of age). Use Stata to generate these thresholds, displaying the Stata results. Assign appropriate labels to variable and categories.
    1. Construct box plots and summary statistics of bodyfat by the age categories variable you created in a. Comment and provide interpretation of the distributions of body fat among the age groups.
    2. What test can be used to assess whether the mean bodyfat differs among young versus older men?
    1. Implement the test in c and report a two-tailed p-value. Conduct the test by hand using appropriate expressions of relevant formulas, and verify using Stata. Note you will need to provide appropriate justification for the test you use and justify assumptions analytically. Assume a Type I error rate of 0.05. Interpret your results and conclusions of the test.
    2. Compute the 95% CI associated with the hypothesis and interpret based on hypothesis test.
Answered Same Day Jul 29, 2021


Bolla V V Satyanarayana answered on Jul 31 2021
153 Votes
We find Median age using STATA Software
From the above output
50% value or median value = 43
We convert the Age variable into Age_Category variable using Median age value
Group 1: Below the Median age value (43) will be considered as a Younger Man
Group 2: Above or equal to median age value (43) will be considered as older man
We Create Age category variable using STATA Software.
Using STATA Software to Construct Box plot for Bodyfat by Age category variable to the following data
We want to test the hypothesis that the
e is a signfiicance difference
etween mean bodyfat of Younger and odle
Null hypothesis(H):There is no signfiica
nce difference
etween mean bodyfat of Yo
unger and odler man
Alernative hypothesis(H):There is a...

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