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1. Assessment task 1 Assessment Title Health Behaviour Change Diary Task Description This assessment task will provide you with first-hand experience of health behaviour change by practicing...

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1. Assessment task 1 Assessment Title Health Behaviour Change Diary Task Description This assessment task will provide you with first-hand experience of health behaviour change by practicing self-monitoring using a health behaviour change diary. During the first face-to-face tutorial (week 2) you will explore examples of the types of behaviours you may choose to monitor. You will choose a health behaviour that you wish to change, and you will monitor this health behaviour change from Week 2 until the end of Week 6. In your Week 2 tutorial, you will: • Identify your current baseline for the behaviour you plan to change (e.g. I currently drink 3 large coffees per day). • Develop a SMART health behaviour goal (e.g. reduce my current intake to drink one small coffee per day). • Develop an action plan, including SMART short term goals (e.g. each week I will reduce my intake by half a cup of coffee per day, until I reach my goal of drinking one small coffee per day) • When designing your plan include rewards for each goal (and ones that don’t counteract what you have achieved). • Identify potential barriers and possible enablers/social support which would help you achieve your goal. You will then: • Complete a weekly diary in table format, monitoring your progress. Include any barriers and enablers that were experienced. • In your week 3 – 6 tutorials, discuss people’s progress towards their goal and provide feedback. You will also discuss your progress and receive feedback. • Explore and document your experience, including discussion of how it relates to the Transtheoretical Model. For your written assessment, you will include: • An introduction, which will include: o Your baseline behaviour o Your health behaviour goal and action plan o Discussion, with reference to best evidence, as to why your particular health behaviour o change is required and is beneficial for health/quality of life Your planned rewards o Any identified potential barriers and enablers • Your completed weekly health behaviour change diary to monitor your progress (in table format). An example is available on Moodle. • Weekly reflections on your progress and plan, including discussion of how your experience relates to the Transtheoretical Model • A final reflection on your overall experience and its potential to assist you as a health practitioner. Assessment Due Date Thursday 6th, September 11;55 pm. Return Date to 28/09/2017 Students Assessment Length 1500 words (not including tables) Weighting 60% Referencing Style Author – Date (Harvard) A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at: Submission Online in Moodle Dropbox Subject Learning 1,2,3, 6 Outcomes Assessed

Answered 1052 days After Oct 07, 2019


Dr Insiyah R. answered on Aug 25 2022
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