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1) DISCUSSION BOARD (IN TEXT CITATION 200 WORDS) ALSO KINDLY SMALL IN SIMILARITYAt this point, you have a pretty clear understanding thatalthough PVSS has a desire to do things in sound and secure...

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At this point, you have a pretty clear understanding thatalthough PVSS has a desire to do things in sound and secure fashion,it isnot able to consolidate efforts and focusits attention in appropriate places.

Part of the IT organization thinks that locking down the workstations is critical at this point, while a different group thinks that securing the network and servers should be considered a top priority.

  • Explain why you feel that having both teams continuously discussing and working separately would not be the ideal solution.

  • What is your understanding of risk assessment?

  • How do you think a risk assessment might be able to resolve this conflict?

  • What is your understanding of risk assessment?



To assist PVSS, your contract has been expanded to also create a risk assessment. In addition, PVSS management has asked for information on the vulnerabilities, threats, and exploits.

In a report of4-5 pages to PVSS management, include the following:

  • Describe the process needed to create a risk assessment.

  • What are the vulnerabilities, threats, and exploits? As part of the description of risk assessment, include the definition of these three terms.

  • For a typical network environment (that includes an Internet-facing Web Site, a human resources database and application, and development workstations that contain copyrighted material), describe some typical devices or assets and vulnerabilities that might be encountered.

    • List and describe at least 4.

  • Ensure the paper follows the following format:

    • Cover page (does not count towards the page length requirement)

    • Introduction

    • Main Body

    • Conclusion

    • References page (does not count towards the page length requirement)

Answered Same Day Feb 27, 2023


Ayan answered on Feb 28 2023
37 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion Board    3
Individual project    3
Introduction    3
Risk Assessment Process    4
Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Exploits    5
Typical Devices or Assets and Vulnerabilities    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
Discussion Board
    In my opinion, having both teams continuously discussing and working separately would not be the ideal solution as it could lead to disjointed efforts and ultimately, a less secure environment. Collaboration and communication between the two teams are necessary to ensure that efforts are aligned and complementary, rather than duplicative or even conflicting. Furthermore, securing workstations and securing the network and servers are not mutually exclusive goals; in fact, they are interdependent and require a holistic approach to security.
    Risk assessment is a process of identifying potential threats, analyzing the likelihood and impact of those threats, and developing a plan to mitigate or manage them (OWASP, 2021). In the context of PVSS, a risk assessment can help identify the vulnerabilities in their system and prioritize the mitigation efforts based on the level of risk posed by each vulnerability.
    A risk assessment could help resolve this conflict by providing a common framework for evaluating and prioritizing risks to the organization's assets. By conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, the IT organization can identify the most critical risks and develop a unified strategy for addressing them (Cisco, 2021). This could involve a combination of workstation lockdowns, network and server security measures, and other risk mitigation strategies that are tailored to the specific threats facing the organization. Ultimately, the goal of a risk assessment is to help the organization make informed decisions about how to allocate its resources and prioritize its efforts to best protect its assets and operations.
Individual project
Risk Assessment Process
    The risk assessment process is a structured approach used to identify, analyze, evaluate, and prioritize potential risks and threats to an organization's assets (Chen & Shih, 2019). The process involves several steps that can be used to identify potential risks and threats and determine the likelihood and impact of those risks on an organization's assets. Below is a detailed explanation of the risk assessment process.
· Identify assets that need to be protected: The first step in the risk assessment process is to identify the assets that need to be protected. This includes all the critical assets that an organization relies on to conduct its operations. It is essential to determine the value of these assets and the impact of their loss or damage to the organization's operations.
· Identify potential risks and threats: The next step is to identify the potential risks and threats that the organization may face. This includes assessing internal and external factors that could impact the organization's...

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