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Answered Same Day Mar 11, 2020


Arun answered on Mar 12 2020
156 Votes
Ethical Dilemma Solution
The report aims to analyse the ethical dilemma faced by the project manager to complete the project one month earlier than the projected deadline. He is in a fix to follow the order of his superior or to ignore his boss order. Here the doing ethics technique has been employed to solve this ethical dilemma.
Main body critical review
Doing ethics techniques
What’s going on?
The project manger is demanded by his senior to complete the project one month before, but he says there will be intricacies involved in finishing the project earlier as many of the stakeholder’s interests may be affected.
What are the facts?
The facts of the conversation between project manager and his superior reveals that the organization CEO has demanded to finish the project one month before the deadline and project manager superior tries to persuade project manager in this regard. The project manager is in state of fix. Should he su
ender before his superior demands or should he refuse or talk to his team and other organizational members.
What are the issues?
The ethical issues raised are violating the primacy of interest ethical principle because finishing early the project may cause issues such as drifting the project to achieve the objective’s or not offering sufficient time for reviewing the project or not offering sufficient training to the end users. The true picture of the project may not be reported to all the stakeholders.
Who is affected?
The affected parties are not only the sponsor of the project and management team of the organization but also the end users and community.
What are the ethical issues and implications?
The ethical consideration in the project requires that standards and parameter should be established about the reporting and knowing everyone about the actual time of project completion with all activities completed. The project manager has a responsibility to strive for accurate figures in reporting to all stakeholders. Project manager is required to not succumb before the pressure of the superiors. The project manager is requires to offer visibility about...

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