This is a subject called Leadership, Innovation and Change assignment. Please just finish the plan part. When I get feedback from professor, Then I will make another order. Please notice Choose a leader you know within your cu
ent organisation or an organisation you have worked for recently or a cu
ent leader (e.g. a business leader with a public profile). You can use a pseudonym. All information will be kept confidential.
The aim of this assessment is for you to critically analyse a leader you know well, identifying their leadership style, their strengths and development needs, the context in which they lead and suggestions on how they might improve their leadership practice. There are two parts to this assessment: (A) Essay plan - which you will submit and receive feedback (B) Essay - final submission, incorporating feedback from your essay plan.
(A) Plan. Think about how you would like to present your essay plan in a way that will communicate your intentions on: ï‚· what you plan to cover (scope), and ï‚· how you will order your ideas and link to key readings (structure). Your essay plan should be equivalent to XXXXXXXXXXwords. You may like to type your plan onto a single A4 page, or you may prefer to support your plan visually. Visual representations coupled with text could include, for example, an annotated mind map. A prompt to get you thinking is the structure represented in the image above (also linked here as PDF). Such a structure would require you to add to the wording of your plan, while the visuals help support your sequencing.
(B) Essay. 2,000 words The aim of this assessment is for you to critically analyse a leader you know well, identifying their leadership style, their strengths and development needs, the context in which they lead and suggestions on how they might improve their leadership practice.
1. Choose a leader you know within your cu
ent organisation or an organisation you have worked for recently or a cu
ent leader (e.g. a business leader with a public profile). You can use a pseudonym. All information will be kept confidential.
2. Provide an overview of the context in which they are leading – the nature of the organisation and the followers and some of the organisational challenges they face.
3. Identify the style of leadership the leader best exemplifies and provide evidence for this (e.g. Heroic Leadership, Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership).
4. Describe their strengths and development areas as a leader. Be critical but objective in your response, recognising the challenging contexts leaders are often in.
5. Offer any suggestions on how the leader could improve their leadership practice and the impact this would have on their organisation and followers.
6. In your responses you must refer to at least 15 academic references. An academic reference is a journal article, a book, or a conference paper.
Grading Criteria and Feedback Your response will be assessed for your ability to:
1. Explain a leadership style for your chosen leader. 2. Apply theory to practice, offering a comprehensive analysis of the known leader against the leadership style you have chosen. 3. Offer practical and relevant solutions for the person to improve their leadership practice. 4. Use relevant and credible academic literature in your response (e.g. class texts, research books and scholarly journal articles). This involves undertaking research that is relevant to the topic via searching electronic databases through the La Trobe University Li
ary. The literature must be referenced appropriately using the APA 6th referencing style. Your paper must include at least 15 references. 5. Present a professional, well-structured academic essay that clearly communicates your arguments and contains minimal e
ors. See the ru
ic for details.
PowerPoint Presentation
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Adapted from https:
Slide Number 1