this first assessment, you are required to develop a rationale for behaviour change in the context of a physical health condition of your choice. Potential examples of health conditions may include diabetes mellitus type I or II, multiple sclerosis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, different types of cancer and so on. The choice is left open so you may choose something of particular interest to you. Make sure, however, that there are sufficient resources for you to draw on for this assessment. If unsure about your choice, please check in via email for some early feedback.
The health behaviour change can be either in respect of increasing a health protective behaviour, such as screening in the context of breast or prostate cancer, or decreasing a health-damaging behaviour, such as smoking cessation in the context of throat cancer.
When integrating these two elements to form a rationale for change, you will need to describe the health condition and demonstrate how the targeted health behaviour will improve health outcomes for those individuals diagnosed with the health condition.
The assessment is in the form of aliterature review, using current (past 10 years) and relevant literature, to establish a clear rationale for the behaviour change that will form the basis of assignment 6
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