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This assessment requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should contain: a statement of the problem, research aim and objectives, justification and potential output of the research,...

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This assessment requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should contain: a statement of the problem, research aim and objectives, justification and potential output of the research, conceptual framework and research hypotheses, methodology and organisation of the study
Based on MY FIRST ASSESSMENT that I attached, this proposal should be written.
Therefore, this proposal should be written based on my first assessment; because I have chosen the subject, type of data (quantitaive and qualitative) and other things. So it;s impossible to write this proposal based on something else!

Assessment task 3 requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should contain the following components:

  • A detail statement of the problemthat you would like to investigate.
  • Research aim, objectives and research questions: What are the potential research objectives and questions that can address the problem?
  • Justification and potential output of the research project: Why is your chosen project important both theoretically and practically? What are the potential outputs and outcomes of your research?
  • Conceptual framework: An analysis of the literature relevant to the research topic that will give you the conceptual basis for conducting this research.
  • Methodology and presenting secondary data: Based on the conceptual framework, research aim(s) and objectives, you need to provide a detail description of the data collection methods and tools, data sources and the methods/tools that you will use to analyse the data.
  • Organisation of the study, project budget and schedule: Write the names of the chapters/sections of your research report, and briefly discuss what you will write in those chapters/sections followed by a brief description of budget for conducting this study and project schedule i.e., Gantt Chart.

This is an individual research task. You are required to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant body of works to a real-life business research. We expect you to read and reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles on your topic supported by any other evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate conceptual framework and the methods of data collection and analysis. Please see detailed guidelines about specific research requirements on the unit Moodle site. You can write3000 words maximumfor this assignment. The cover page and the list of references are not counted in the word limit.

Assessment Criteria

All the assessment criteria outlined below are equally weighted for this piece of assessment.

Assessment criteria:

1. A statement of the problem, research aim, objectives and research questionsHDDCPF
2. Justification and potential output of the researchHDDCPF
3. Conceptual frameworkHDDCPF
4. Methodology, organisation of the study, project budget and scheduleHDDCPF
5. Accurate referencing, use of correct English and logical sequences between sentences and paragraphs and a good introductionHDDCPF

Key to grading and corresponding marking scale:

HD (84.5% to 100% marks): Student demonstrates outstanding understanding and interpretation of all aspects of the criteria.

D (74.5% to 84.4% marks): Student demonstrates excellence in understanding and interpretation of almost all aspects of the criteria with some minor corrections or additions needed.

C (64.5% to 74.4% marks): Student demonstrates very good understanding and interpretation of most aspects of the criteria with some need for additional work, additions or improvement.

P (49.5% to 64.4% marks): Student demonstrates good understanding and interpretation of the criteria to warrant the award of a Pass but requires considerable additional work, additions or improvement.

F (below 49.5%): Student demonstrates an unsatisfactory understanding and interpretation of the criteria and requires major additional work, additions or improvement to achieve a passing grade.

Answered Same Day May 21, 2020 PPMP20016 Central Queensland University


Akansha answered on May 25 2020
144 Votes
research Proposal
Section 1:    1
Introduction    1
Problem Statement and the Justification of the Project:    1
Research Objectives for the report:    2
Report Questions:    2
Key questions to be asked or addressed during this report’ scope:    2
Expected Outcomes from this research project    2
Conceptual Framework and Research Hypothesis    2
Framework    2
Hypothesis:    3
Methodology    3
Literature Review    3
Statistical data collected from the Official as well as the unofficial Channels:    5
Evaluation mechanism for the data collected during this research:    7
Section 3:    8
Organization of the Report    8
Project Budget Estimation    8
Project Timeline    9
WBS    9
Gantt Chart:    9
References    11
Section 1:
There are certain instances of u
an and highly developed cities facing the traffic congestion problem. The congestion is seen as a result of several factors leading from an increase in the number of people with vehicles on road, the unsatisfactory condition of the roads or the mismanagement of the traffic organization either by traffic police, the digital system placed for managing the traffic or other mediums. (Geever, 2012)
A similar situation is evident in one of the highly developed cities of Sydney, Australia due to ever-increasing industrialization and the increasing population. As it is an acknowledged fact that the traffic condition is one of the most important factors that impact the servicing time or response time in emergency situations. Hence, this report intends to analyze and outline the key reasons behind the evident increase in traffic congestion in the Sydney area. (Gundert-Remy, 2010)
The report is basically divided into 3 sections. In the first section, the report will initially discuss the problem statement or the targeted issue in
ief followed by the key objectives or the questions that this report intends to answer. Following the description of the problem and research objectives, the report will then provide a justification of why it is important to address this issue or the reason behind choosing this project. Thereafter the Report will discuss certain expected outcomes towards the end of section 1.
Thereafter in section 2, the report will describe the conceptual framework used for this report’ analysis and the possible hypothesis that the report has structured. Thereafter, the report will describe the methodology followed for the analysis part of the report. During that process, the report will describe the data collection medium, analysis mediums, and methodologies in detail. In the last section or Section 3, the report will majorly put its focus over the estimation of the project budget and the timeline for the project along with a basic description of the organization of this report.
Problem Statement and the Justification of the Project:
The response time or the servicing time in case of an emergency situation is one to the key criteria that decides the level of the extent to which the situation can be effectively controlled and the ill effects of such situations can be mitigated or reduced to minimal. (Geever, 2012)But as studies and the national level stats have revealed, the traffic congestion situation in the area of Sydney (The targeted geographical zone for this report) has worsened over the last few years. There is an evident increase the number of vehicles on road at a given instant of time resulting in traffic congestion situations. Additionally (also stated above), there are several possible problems that might be generated as a resulted of these traffic congestion. One of the most crucial issue being the increase in the servicing time or the response time in case of emergency situations. (Gundert-Remy, 2010)
For example, in case of fire, the firefighter truck can be stuck in traffic and cannot reach the place in time to control the expanding dangerous situation. Or, in case of an accident or medical emergency, the ambulance might not even reach to the patient in time following the conditions on the road and the heavy traffic congestion.
Hence, the problem statement for this report can be summarised as “the possible ill-effects on servicing and response time in case of an emergency situation”
This report intends to analyze the possible available solutions for this issue and select the one which best suits the requirements.
Research Objectives for the report:
Finding a solution for the worsening condition of traffic congestion in the area of Sydney.
The scope of research:
The key addressable area or objective of this report is to identify the possible reasons due to which the traffic congestions in Sydney are increasing and how it can cause potential damage to the society. (Gundert-Remy, 2010)Additionally, the report will also try to discover the key possible alternatives to the solutions that can address this issue and then select the best possible way to mitigate this issue.
Report Questions:
Key questions to be asked or addressed during this report’ scope:
The key questions for this report will be structured on the basis of the key addressable areas for the project or research as stated in the scope of the research project. (Gundert-Remy, 2010)
· Whether the selected city or area has been experiencing the situation as described in the problem statement?
· What are the key reasons behind the inflating traffic congestion in the area?
· What are the key ill effects that the people have to face as a result of this increases traffic congestion?
Expected Outcomes from this research project
The analysis and the research project will allow the researcher to obtain results for the following set of questions.
· What is the evident trend of traffic congestions in the selected city of Sydney, i.e. he peak hours, the key areas and the reasons.
· Are there any potential risks associated with the issue in the city?
· What is the core reason behind the selected issue?
· What risks are evidently presented by such a question and what is the degree and level of impact for each risk?
· What are the best possible ways or alternatives to resolve this issue?
· Which alternative best suits the condition and why?
Section 2:
Conceptual Framework and Research Hypothesis
The primary objective of conducting this study is to analyse the possible affects (majorly ill...

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