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RAPP1007 Lab Test 1 Practice The data for the test is in the MS-Excel file posted with this test. You are free to use whichever method (e.g., SPSS, MS-Excel) you prefer to complete the calculations....

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Lab Test 1 Practice

The data for the test is in the MS-Excel file posted with this test. You are free to use whichever method
(e.g., SPSS, MS-Excel) you prefer to complete the calculations. You have one hour and fifty minutes to
complete the practice lab test. Unless otherwise stated, for all inferential tests, alpha is set to XXXXXXXXXXI
will take up the exam starting at 2pm.
Elite-Level questions have been added. These questions will not be on the test next week.

1. I have investigated stress among Amazon warehouse pickers. For my
study I measured job stress by employee Job Classification (Apprentice
Picker, Junior Picker, and Senior Picker) and Employee Age (“Under
65” and “65 and older”).
a. Complete the appropriate omnibus inferential tests and state
your conclusions.
. Complete simple main effects for the factor “Job Classification”
c. Where needed, complete Tukey’s HSD
d. Elite-Level Question: Complete the following planned comparisons for the “Job
Classification” main effect and the “Job Classification” x Employee Age interaction
i. Apprentice compared to Junior and Senior Pickers
ii. Junior Pickers compared to Senior Pickers

2. I have data on a study that investigated the impact of noise (None, Low, Medium, High noise
levels) on task performance for Amazon warehouse pickers. The scores represent the time it
took in minutes to pick and package 100 books for shipment. So the higher the time per noise
level the poorer the performance. Subjects completed the task for all four noise levels.
a. Complete the appropriate inferential test and complete fill in the source table below
. When needed complete post hoc comparisons of means
c. Write up your conclusion
d. Elite-Level Question: Complete the following planned comparisons
i. Noise compared to Low, Medium, and High
ii. Low compared to Medium and High
iii. Medium compared to High

Source SS df MS f f critical

3. I plan to complete the following two planned comparisons;
P1: Group A and Group B compared to Group C, Group D, and Group E
` P2: Group B compared to Group D and Group E

a. State the null hypothesis for both comparisons
. Are the two comparisons orthogonal (independent)?

4. I plan to complete ten pairwise comparisons of means and I have set alpha equal to 0.01.
Assuming the null hypothesis is true for all comparisons, what is the probability that I will reject the
null hypothesis (commit a type I e
or) one or more times?

5. I am looking to see if the average number of “Litres of Syrup Sold” differs among the five
townships of Severn, Tay, Tiny, Springwater, and Essa. Per township, I collected the “Litres of
Syrup Sold” from three farms. Please complete the following tasks (for all tests Alpha equal to
a. Complete the appropriate inferential test.
. Complete the following planned comparisons
i. Severn, Tay, and Tiny compared to Springwater and Essa
ii. Severn compared to Tay and Tiny
iii. Tay compared to Tiny
iv. Springwater compared to Essa
. State your conclusions

6. I have collected running speed data (Miles per Hour) for a sample of
Golden Retrievers and Boston Te
iers. Are Golden Retrievers faster
than Boston Te

7. For a two-tailed independent means t-test with 15 subjects in each group show the following on
the diagram to the right;
a. The critical value(s) for alpha equal to 0.01
. Shade in the critical region(s).
c. The location of a t-observed
equal to 2.80
d. State your conclusion

    Employee    Classification    Age    Stress
    1    Senior Picker    Under 65    146
    2    Senior Picker    Under 65    144
    3    Senior Picker    Under 65    151
    4    Senior Picker    Under 65    134
    5    Senior Picker    65 and Older    155
    6    Senior Picker    65 and Older    156
    7    Senior Picker    65 and Older    162
    8    Senior Picker    65 and Older    163
    9    Junior Picker    Under 65    144
    10    Junior Picker    Under 65    150
    11    Junior Picker    Under 65    141
    12    Junior Picker    Under 65    146
    13    Junior Picker    65 and Older    147
    14    Junior Picker    65 and Older    138
    15    Junior Picker    65 and Older    144
    16    Junior Picker    65 and Older    138
    17    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    150
    18    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    146
    19    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    144
    20    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    138
    21    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    140
    22    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    146
    23    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    147
    24    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    142
    Employee    none    low    medium    high
    1    52    55    41    68
    2    60    61    48    72
    3    55    59    38    79
    4    40    45    37    51
    5    48    58    45    45
    Source    SS    df    MS    f    f critical
    Farm    Township    Litres of Syrup Sold
    1    Severn    31
    2    Severn    36
    3    Severn    41
    4    Tay    32
    5    Tay    37
    6    Tay    42
    7    Tiny    39
    8    Tiny    44
    9    Tiny    49
    10    Springwater    42
    11    Springwater    47
    12    Springwater    52
    13    Essa    46
    14    Essa    51
    15    Essa    56
    Dog    Breed    Speed (Miles/Hour)
    1    Boston Te
ier    26
    2    Boston Te
ier    32
    3    Boston Te
ier    34
    4    Boston Te
ier    34
    5    Boston Te
ier    31
    6    Boston Te
ier    49
    7    Golden Retreiver    28
    8    Golden Retreiver    45
    9    Golden Retreiver    49
    10    Golden Retreiver    49
    11    Golden Retreiver    43
    12    Golden Retreiver    47

    Employee    Classification    Age    Stress                Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
    1    Senior Picker    Under 65    146                Dependent Variable: Stress                                 Descriptive Statistics
    2    Senior Picker    Under 65    144                                                Dependent Variable: Stress
    3    Senior Picker    Under 65    151                                                Classification    Age    Mean
    4    Senior Picker    Under 65    134                Source    SS    df    MS    F    Sig.            Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    143.75
    5    Senior Picker    65 and Older    155                Classification    306.583    2    153.292    6.665    0.007                Under 65    144.5
    6    Senior Picker    65 and Older    156                Age    80.667    1    80.667    3.507    0.077                Total    144.125
    7    Senior Picker    65 and Older    162                Classification * Age    410.083    2    205.042    8.915    0.002            Junior Picker    65 and Older    141.75
    8    Senior Picker    65 and Older    163                E
or    414    18    23                        Under 65    145.25
    9    Junior Picker    Under 65    144                Total    515134    24                            Total    143.5
    10    Junior Picker    Under 65    150                                                Senior Picker    65 and Older    159
    11    Junior Picker    Under 65    141                                                    Under 65    143.75
    12    Junior Picker    Under 65    146            65 and Older                        n=    4            Total    151.375
    13    Junior Picker    65 and Older    147                Apprentice Picker    Junior Picker    Senior Picker    Mean                    Total    65 and Older     XXXXXXXXXX
    14    Junior Picker    65 and Older    138                143.75    141.75    159     XXXXXXXXXX                        Under 65    144.5
    15    Junior Picker    65 and Older    144            SS     XXXXXXXXXX     XXXXXXXXXX     XXXXXXXXXX     XXXXXXXXXX                        Total     XXXXXXXXXX
    16    Junior Picker    65 and Older    138                        df    2
    17    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    150                        MS     XXXXXXXXXX
    18    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    146                        f     XXXXXXXXXX
    19    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    144                        p value     XXXXXXXXXX
    20    Apprentice Picker    Under 65    138
    21    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    140                Tukey's
    22    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    146                q    3.61
    23    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    147                HSD     XXXXXXXXXX
    24    Apprentice Picker    65 and Older    142
                                Apprentice Picker    Junior Picker    Senior Picke
                                143.75    141.75    159
                        Apprentice Picker    143.75
                        Junior Picker    141.75    2
                        Senior Picker    159    15.25    17.25
                            Under 65
                                Apprentice Picker    Junior Picker    Senior Picke
                                144.5    145.25    143.75    144.5
                            SS    0    2.25    2.25    4.5
                                        df    2
                                        MS    2.25
                                        f     XXXXXXXXXX
                                        p value     XXXXXXXXXX
UNIANOVA Stress BY Age Classification
/LMATRIX 'Over 65 Classification Simple Main Effect'
Classification XXXXXXXXXXAge*Classification XXXXXXXXXX0;
Classification XXXXXXXXXXAge*Classification XXXXXXXXXX
/LMATRIX '65 and under Classification Simple Main Effects'
Classification XXXXXXXXXXAge*Classification XXXXXXXXXX;
Classification XXXXXXXXXXAge*Classification XXXXXXXXXX
/DESIGN=Age Classification Age*Classification.
    Employee    none    low    medium    high        SS Sub        Employee    none    low    medium    high
    1    52    55    41    68    54    5.29        1    1    5    140    230
    2    60    61    48    72    60    219.04        2    51    66    24    367
    3    55    59    38    79    58    96.04        3    5    38    221    684
    4    40    45    37    51    43    368.64        4    165    62    251    3
    5    48    58    45    45    49    59.29        5    24    27    62    62
    3    51    56    42    63    53
                            748.3                        2485
    Source    SS    df    MS    f    f critical
    Noise    1180.55    3    393.517    8.498     XXXXXXXXXX
    Subjects    748.3    4
or    555.7    12    46.308
    Total    2484.55    19
    Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
    Measure: MEASURE_1
    Source    Type III Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig.                q    4.2
    Noise    1180.55    3    393.517    8.498    0.003                ms    46.308
    Subject    748.30    4                            N    5
or(Noise)    555.70    12    46.308                        hsd     XXXXXXXXXX
    Total     2484.55    19
                                        none    low    medium    high
                                        51    56    42    63
                                none    51
                                low    56    5
                                medium    42    -9    -14
                                high    63    12.0    7    21
COMPUTE P1=(+3)*none+(-1)*low+(-1)*medium+(-1)*high.
COMPUTE P2=(0)*none+(+2)*low+(-1)*medium+(-1)*high.
COMPUTE P3=(0)*none+(0)*low+(+1)*medium+(-1)*high.
    Farm    Township    Litres of Syrup Sold
    1    Severn    31
    2    Severn    36
    3    Severn    41
    4    Tay    32
    5    Tay    37
    6    Tay    42
    7    Tiny    39
    8    Tiny    44
    9    Tiny    49
    10    Springwater    42
    11    Springwater    47
    12    Springwater    52
    13    Essa    46
    14    Essa    51
    15    Essa    56
    Farm    Township    Litres of Syrup Sold
    1    0    31
    2    0    36
    3    0    41
    4    1    32
    5    1    37
    6    1    42
    7    2    39
    8    2    44
    9    2    49
    10    3    42
    11    3    47
    12    3    52
    13    4    46
    14    4    51
    15    4    56
        N    Mean    Std. Deviation    Std. E
or    95% Confidence Interval for Mean        Minimum    Maximum
                        Lower Bound    Upper Bound
    Severn    3    36    5    2.88675    23.5793    48.4207    31    41    39
    Tay    3    37    5    2.88675    24.5793    49.4207    32    42
    Tiny    3    44    5    2.88675    31.5793    56.4207    39    49
    Springwater    3    47    5    2.88675    34.5793    59.4207    42    52
    Essa    3    51    5    2.88675    38.5793    63.4207    46    56    47
    Total    15    43    7.30949    1.8873    38.9521    47.0479    31    56
ONEWAY Syrup BY Location
    Dog    Breed    Speed (Miles/Hour)            Dog    Breed    Speed (Miles/Hour)
    1    Boston Te
ier    26            1    0    26
    2    Boston Te
ier    32            2    0    32
    3    Boston Te
ier    34            3    0    34
    4    Boston Te
ier    34            4    0    34
    5    Boston Te
ier    31            5    0    31
    6    Boston Te
ier    49            6    0    49
    7    Golden Retreiver    28            7    1    28
    8    Golden Retreiver    45            8    1    45
    9    Golden Retreiver    49            9    1    49
    10    Golden Retreiver    49            10    1    49
    11    Golden Retreiver    43            11    1    43
    12    Golden Retreiver    47            12    1    47
                                                    t obs
                                                    Yes I would reject H0.
                            -2.763                2.763
                            df    28
                            t critical     XXXXXXXXXX

Answered 2 days After Mar 14, 2022


Suraj answered on Mar 17 2022
99 Votes
Solution 1:
The appropriate test for first comparison is the independent sample t-test and for next comparisons multiple comparison test using SPSS.
The output tables are given as follows:
Toronto and Seoul compared to Kano and Jaipu
Here, we are comparing only two groups. Toronto and Seoul are one and Kano and Jaipur are second.
The independent t-test is conducted here. The equal variance null hypothesis is not rejected. Hence, the test-statistic is taken from first row, hence, its value is -0.022 and the p-value is 0.982. Thus, there is no difference between first and second group.
Toronto compared to Seoul
From the first column Toronto and second column Seoul the p-value is 0.0. Thus, the p-value is less than 0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected...

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