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CH 5 Pacific Trail Resort Case Study Task 1: Folder Created: 1 Task 2: Update pacific.css External Style Sheet Completed 5 Task 3: Update Home Page index.html Completed 5 Task 4: Update the Yurts page...

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CH 5 Pacific Trail Resort Case Study
Task 1: Folder Created: 1
Task 2: Update pacific.css External Style Sheet Completed 5
Task 3: Update Home Page index.html Completed 5
Task 4: Update the Yurts page Completed XXXXXXXXXX
Task 5: Activities page Completed 9
CH 6 Pacific Trail Resort Case Study
Task 1: Folder Created 1
Task 2: External Style Sheet Completed 9
Task 3: Home Page Steps Completed 5
Task 4: Activities Page Steps Completed 5
Task 5: Yurts page Steps Completed 5
Task 1: Create a folder called ch5pacific to contain your Pacific Trails Resort
website files. Copy the
index.html, yurts.html, and pacific.css files from the Chapter 4 Case Study
ch4pacific folder. Copy the
following files from the chapter5/casestudystarters/pacific folder in the student
files and place them in
your ch5pacific folder: coast.jpg, marker.gif, sunset.jpg, trail.jpg, and yurt.jpg.
Task 2: The External Style Sheet. Launch a text editor and open the pacific.css
external style sheet
1. The body element selector. Add a declaration that configures Arial,
Helvetica, or sans-serif font
2. The header element selector. Add declarations to display the background
image named
sunset.jpg on the right without any repeats. Also configure declarations to set
400% line-height
and 1em text-indent.
3. The nav element selector. Add a declaration to configure bold text.
4. The nav a element selector. Code styles to eliminate the display of the
underline for hyperlinks
(hint: use the nav a descendant selector with text-decoration: none; )
5. The h1 element selector. Add a declaration to display text in Georgia, Times
New Roman, or
serif font typeface.
6. The h2 element selector. Add a declaration to display text in Georgia, Times
New Roman, or
serif font typeface.
7. The h3 element selector. Code styles to display text in Georgia, Times New
Roman, or serif
font typeface. Also configure #000033 text color for the h3 element selector.
8. The ul element selector. Code styles to display the marker.gif as the list
marker (bullet).
9. The footer element selector. Code styles to configure 75% font size, italic
font style, centered
text, and Georgia, Times New Roman, or serif font typeface.
10. The resort class selector. Add a declaration to display bold text.
11. The contact id selector. Code styles to display text with 90% font size.
Save your pacific.css file. Check your syntax with the CSS validator
ect and retest if necessary.
Task 3: The Home Page. Launch a text editor and open the home page,
index.html. Remove the b,
small, and i tags from the page. Code an tag below the h2 element.
Configure the tag to
display the coast.jpg image. Configure the alt, height, and width
attributes for the image. Save
and test your page in a
owser. It should look similar to Figure 5.24.
Task 4: The Yurts Page. Launch a text editor and open the yurts.html file.
Remove the b, small, and i
tags from the page. Next, you will modify this file to display the yurt.jpg image
elow the h2 element and
configure it in a similar manner as you configured the coast.jpg image on the
home page. Save and test
your new yurts.html page. It should look similar to the one shown in Figure 5.25.
Task 5: The Activities Page. Launch a text editor, open the yurts.html
document, and save the file as
activities.html—this is the start of your new activities page.
1. Modify the page title area as appropriate.
2. Change the h2 text to be Activities at Pacific Trails.
3. Modify the tag to display the trail.jpg image.
4. Delete the description list.
5. Configure the following text using h3 tags for the headings and paragraph tags
for the
Pacific Trails Resort has 5 miles of hiking trails and is adjacent to a state park.
Go it alone or join one of
our guided hikes.
Ocean kayaks are available for guest use.
Bird Watching
While anytime is a good time for bird watching at Pacific Trails, we offer guided
irdwatching trips at
sunrise several times a week.”
Save your activities.html file. Launch a
owser and test your new activities.html
page. It should look like Figure 5.26.

Task 1: Create a folder called ch6pacific to contain your Pacific Trails Resort
website files. Copy the
files from the Chapter 5 Case Study ch5pacific folder.
Task 2: The External Stylesheet. Launch a text editor and open the pacific.css
external style sheet file.
The body element Selector. Change the background color to a light blue
(#90C7E3). Add style
declarations to display a linear gradient that blends from white (#FFFFFF) to light
lue (#90C7E3)
and does not repeat.
The wrapper id Selector. Add a new selector for an id named wrapper .
Configure the wrapper
id to be centered (see Hands-On Practice 6.4) with a width of 80%, white
ackground color
(#FFFFFF), a minimum width of 960 pixels, a maximum width of 2048px, and a
3px offset dark
(# XXXXXXXXXXbox shadow.
The header element Selector. Remove declarations for line height and indented
text. Add
declarations to configure 60px height, centered text, and 15px top padding.
The h1 element Selector. Add a style declaration to configure zero top margin.
The nav element Selector. Change the background color to white (#FFFFFF).
Add declarations to
configure centered text and 10px padding.
The main element Selector. Add a new selector for the main element. Code
declarations to
configure 1px top padding, 20px right padding, 20px bottom padding, and 20px
left padding. At the
time this was written, Internet Explorer did not support default styles the HTML5
main element, so
add the following style declaration using the display property (see Chapter 7) to
nudge this
to display as expected: display: block;
The h2 element Selector. Add a style declaration to configure 1px offset gray
(#CCCCCC) text
The footer element Selector. Add a declaration to configure 20px of padding.
The homehero id Selector. Add a new selector for an id named homehero .
Code declarations to
configure 300px height and to display the coast.jpg background image to fill the
space (use
ackground-size: 100% 100%; ) without repeating.
The yurthero id Selector. Add a new selector for an id named yurthero .
Code declarations to
configure 300px height and to display the yurt.jpg background image to fill the
space (use
ackground-size: 100% 100%; ) without repeating.
The trailhero id Selector. Add a new selector for an id named trailhero .
Code declarations to
configure 300px height and to display the trail.jpg background image to fill the
space (use
ackground-size: 100% 100%; ) without repeating.
Save the pacific.css file. Use the CSS validator (http:
validator) to check your
syntax. Co
ect and retest if necessary.
Task 3: The Home Page. Launch a text editor and open the index.html file.
Code div tags to add a wrapper div that contains the content of the web page.
Use Hands-On
Practice 6.4 as a guide.
Configure a div element to contain the coast.jpg image. Code an opening div tag
assigned to the id
named homehero after the closing nav tag. Next, code a closing div tag. As
shown in the wireframe
in Figure 6.34, this div is located between the nav element and the main
element. There is no HTML
or text content for this div. The purpose of this div is to be a placeholder for the
CSS that will display
the hero image.
Remove the img tag for the coast.jpg photo.
Save and test your page in a
owser. It should look similar to Figure 6.35.

Task 4: The Yurts Page. Launch a text editor and open the yurts.html file.
Code div tags to add a wrapper div that contains the content of the web page.
Use Hands-On
Practice 6.4 as a guide.
Configure a div to contain the yurt.jpg image. Code an opening div tag assigned
to the id named
yurthero after the closing nav tag. Next, code a closing div tag. As shown in
the wireframe in
Figure 6.34, this div is located between the nav element and the main element.
There is no HTML or
text content for this div.
Remove the img tag for the yurt.jpg photo.

Task 5: The Activities Page. Launch a text editor and open the activities.html
Code div tags to add a wrapper div that contains the content of the web page.
Use Hands-On
Practice 6.4 as a guide.
Configure a div to contain the trail.jpg image. Code an opening div tag assigned
to the id named
trailhero after the closing nav tag. Next, code a closing div tag. As shown in
the wireframe in
Figure 6.37, this div is located between the nav element and the main element.
There is no HTML or
text content for this div.
Remove the img tag for the trail.jpg photo.
Answered Same Day Jun 07, 2021


Parth answered on Jun 07 2021
133 Votes
Pacific Trails Resort
Activities at Pacific Trials
    Pacific Trails Resort has 5 miles of hiking trails and
    is adjacent to a state park. Go it alone or join one of our guided hikes.
    Ocean kayaks are available for guest use.
    Bird Watching
    While anytime is a good time for bird watching at Pacific Trails, we offer guided birdwatching trips at
    sunrise several times a week.
Copyright © 2016 Pacific Trails
             [email protected]
                Pacific Trails Resort


Enjoy Nature in Luxury
Pacific Trails Resort offers a special lodging experience on the California
North Coast. Relax in serenity with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.
        Private yurts with decks overlooking the ocean
        Activities lodge with fireplace and gift shop
        Nightly fine dining at the Overlook Café
        Heated outdoor pool and whirlpool
        Guided hiking tours of the redwoods

Pacific Trails Resort
12010 Pacific Trails Road
Zephyr, CA 95555

Copyright © 2016 Pacific Trails Resort
        background-color: #90C7E3;
        color: #666666;
        font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
header     {
            background-color: #000033;
            color: #FFFFFF;
            background-image: url(sunset.jpg);
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-position: center center;
            height: 60px;
            padding-top: 15px;
            text-align: cente
            font-size: 1em;
            color: #FFFFFF;
nav     {
            background-color: #FFFFFF;
            font-weight: bold;
            text-align: center;
            padding: 10px;
nav a    {
            text-decoration: none;
main     {
            display: block;
            padding-top: 1px;
            padding-bottom: 20px;
            padding-left: 20px;
            padding-right: 20px;
h1     {
        padding-left: 20px;
        height: 72px;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        margin-top: 0;
        font-family: Georgia, serif;
h2     {
        font-family: Georgia, serif;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #CCCCCC;
        color: #3399CC;
h3     {
        font-family: Georgia, serif;
        color: #000033;
dt     {
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #000033;

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