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Risk report for Yamaha company. The written report is 1500 words. It must be in SEVEN PARTS and have both a written and oral structure. Students MUST ENSURE that they have also identified any legal...

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Risk report for Yamaha company.

The written report is 1500 words. It must be in SEVEN PARTS and have both a written and oral structure. Students MUST ENSURE that they have also identified any legal issues that accrue to the company – this must also include supporting evidence and references of identified legislation and other legal matters relevant to the business.

The structure of the report is as follows: (i) Cover page (i) Contents page (i) List of figures, diagrams, tables or other items

Part 1:- Executive Statement/Summary An overview of the report: including the overall findings (risk culture scale level) and any recommendations or conclusions.

Word range – XXXXXXXXXX

Part 2:- Company Overview A description of the company including ï‚· location of business and operating scope ï‚· business mix, operating hours ï‚· company size/share price value/profitability record over last 5 years
Faculty of Higher Education
MAN702-Sem XXXXXXXXXXPrepared by: Simon Hamm ©William Angliss Institute Page 10 of 26
 key shareholders/governance structure  number of employees  established date (years in business)  competitive environment – low/medium/high  Other relevant information

Word range – XXXXXXXXXX

Part 3:- Key Stakeholders:
iefly discuss links and relationships between relevant stakeholders. The stakeholder relationships of the company must be shown in a model or diagram format emphasising primary, secondary or tertiary levels – or other stakeholder structure e.g. nea
far, majo
minor, internal/external, important/unimportant/ key/peripheral and with an accompanying
ief description of the model and with clear labels and titles shown on the diagram or model.

Include in this section the following items: ï‚· A stakeholder map (oral component 1)

Word range – XXXXXXXXXX

Part 4:- Findings/Results Section. In Part 4, the report findings are discussed. This will include the identification, analysis and evaluation of risks associated with the company (minimum of 20 to be included and to incorporate the PESOTEL risk categories) and must be included in a risk identification model. Based on the findings of the assessed risks, any gaps and/or opportunities are identified. The top ten risks are also given and
iefly discussed (oral component .).

Include in this section the following items: ï‚· Risk model showing minimum of 20 risks and the degree of influence of each risk and with examples of risks using the PESOTEL framework (oral component 2) ï‚· Diagram of the top ten risks (oral component 3) ï‚· Radar diagram with at least 7 identified criteria relating to your analysis (oral component 4)

Note: Ensure that you have described and evaluated the risk environment of the company based on what you have identified by observation and what you have learnt through the subject content relating to this particular company. Ensure that you clearly: identify the key risks, applying the PESTOEL framework and including risks you think pertain to that company; show how they are cu
ently managed (where possible). Word range – XXXXXXXXXX

Part 5:- Report Conclusion. In Part 5, the report conclusion is outlined based on Parts XXXXXXXXXXInclude in this section the following items:
Faculty of Higher Education
MAN702-Sem XXXXXXXXXXPrepared by: Simon Hamm ©William Angliss Institute Page 11 of 26
 Risk culture scale (oral component 5) - showing the extent (low XXXXXXXXXXhigh) of the risk ‘culture’ of the company. High equates to low risk exposure and a low risk culture score to a poor or negative risk culture to the company. Be sure to identify and discuss any ‘quality, delivery gaps’ based on your findings.

Word range – XXXXXXXXXX

Part 6: Oral presentation consisting of the following information and presentation outline: Briefly 1. Introduce yourself and the company you have chosen and why 2. Stakeholder diagram – outline/discuss 3. Company risk model – outlining minimum of 20 risks 4. Top 10 company risks based on your analysis 5. Risk radar identifying and assessing at least 7 key criteria 6. Company risk culture scale diagram – outline/discuss 7. Discuss
iefly whether or not you would invest in this company and why

In your oral presentation you are to review and discuss the above seven elements. Students should not take more than 10 minutes. Questions and discussion will follow the presentation. The oral presentation is worth 10% of the total report mark (30%).

Part 7:- References – minimum of twenty references including legal references.

Additional references can be found at the following locations:

IBIS Reports

World Economic Forum XXXXXXXXXXGlobal risks 2018. Twelfth Edition: Weeks 1-12 (Political/Sociological/Environmental/Technological/Economic) https:

World Economic Forum XXXXXXXXXXThe Global Information Technology Report 2016. Geneva, WEF http:
Answered Same Day Apr 17, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Apr 20 2020
141 Votes
Case Analysis of Yamaha Co. Ltd.
Task 1- Executive Summary    4
Task 2    5
Task 3    7
Task 4    9
Task 5    15
References:    16
Task 1- Executive Summary
This particular paper revolves around a renowned automobile company i.e. Yamaha. An effort has been made to examine the company from different fronts along with different stakeholders and several risks affecting the company have been examined from varied perspectives. It has been observed that there are several stakeholders both internal as well as external, having an impact upon the company’s operations and procedures. However, the level of control and influence exerted by the stakeholders varies from stakeholder to stakeholder. For instance, the influence of customers upon the company is high as compared to that of customers that is low. Moving ahead, there are several risks that are likely to affect the operations of Yahama, but there likelihood of occu
ence and impact varies from risk to risk. In such a situation, it is highly important for the company to have in place effective measures and strategies that can help the company to survive in such highly complex business. Examining the risk culture of the company it can be stated that Yamaha is experiencing high risks and need to take some preventive measures. Although, the company has taken certain still higher focus is needed to deal with the situation.
Task 2
Yamaha Motor Company Limited is basically a Japanese producer of motorcycles, marine items like outboard motors and boats and other motorized products. The corporation was set up during the year 1955 and has its head office located in Iwata, Shizuoka, Japan (Yamaha, 2018). The corporation ca
ies out development, manufacturing and marketing practices through more than 109 consolidated subsidiaries (Yamaha, 2018). Cu
ently, the company has operations in several different countries located across the globe and Europe, Asia and America are few of them. Moreover, the product portfolio of Yamaha include motorcycles, commuter vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats, marine engines, personal watercraft, electrically power-assisted bicycles, automobile engines, golf cars, power products, UMS and others (Yamaha, 2018). Just as other companies, Yamaha has normal operating hours i.e. from 9:00 to 18:00 (Yamaha, 2018). Moving ahead, in terms of organizational structure it can be stated that the company follows a hierarchal model, wherein the top level employees are regularly updated and informed about the progress and operations by the employees working under them (Yamaha, 2018). Further, the below chart highlights the organizational structure prevalent at Yamaha Company with flow of control from top to bottom.
Board of directors
Senior Manage
CRM Enginee
Marketing manage
R&D Enginee
Procurement and Purchasing Manage
IT Enginee
HR Manage
Data Analyst
Sales Specialist
Technical Support
Moving ahead, the below table depicts role played by different managers at Yamaha Company.
    Senior Manage
    Supervises all the departments and is regularly updated about the work procedures of different departments from their respective department heads.
    HR Manage
    HR Manager is responsible for recruitment and finding the right candidates
    CRM Enginee
    CRM Engineer takes care of designing and implementing the CRM system
    Marketing Manage
    Promotes company’s products and
and among the target market
    Procurement Manage
    Procurement Manager analyzes and helps procure the logistics
    Purchasing Manage
    Purchasing Manager analyzes and helps in purchasing the material
    R&D Enginee
    R&D Engineer and his team is involved in continuous research and development for future
    IT Enginee
    IT Engineer looks after the technical needs of the company
    Technical Support
    Technical Support Specialist is there to assist with any kind of troubleshooting and technical e
    Data Analyst
    Data Analyst works under CRM Engineer and helps in regularly analyzing data
    Sales Specialist
    Sales Specialist also works under CRM Engineer and helps meet the sales target by continuous data analysis and increase
Further, it has also been observed that the company operates in a highly competitive business environment with several giants offering similar products like Yahama. Thus, in such a situation the company must make sure that they offer superior quality and innovative products that not just effectively meet customers’ needs but also offer them exceptional experience....

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