Project Status Report, Video Presentation and Communication pack
This assignment asks you, as an individual member of the group, to report on the progress of the project from the perspective of your role and provide a description of what the project aims to achieve (Details of my roles are given below and also in the attached files).
Name: Rin
My role:
Project Coordination, project plan, project management and scheduling and also as per the
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
Initiation and Deployment.
The audience for your report and video presentation is the client and the Project Supervisor. Its purpose is to provide a concise and honest summary of the project’s progression, status, and likely conclusion.
This assignment has two parts:
- A written report (maximum is 1000 words)
- A video-recorded presentation (aim for 5 minutes). Make Power Point for this presentation.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
Undertake a workplace XXXXXXXXXXproject using an established project management framework. Perform effective XXXXXXXXXXcommunication to all project team stakeholders.
Course Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate effective communication and teamwork skills
Demonstrate effective written, oral and non-verbal communication skills.
You are urged to adhere to the marking criteria at the bottom of this page.
A. Written Report
No more than 1000 words. Words over this limit will not form part of the assignment.
Not included in word count: Cover Page, Table of content, text in diagrams, References and appendices.
The format can be anything you feel is appropriate, but given the audience, you should seek to be professional and factual.
Your project update should contain three core elements:
1.Aprogress reportsummarising whether the project is behind schedule, on schedule, or ahead of schedule with respect to tasks and milestones. You may also include a summary of issues that have arisen and how these have been resolved together with a risk profile and quality summary linked to the project’s progress so far.
2.Astatus reportsummarising where the project, tasks and milestones are in relation to the status date. These should emphasise where you should be at the status date, and if you are not there, you should explain why not.
forecast completion
report focusing on the completion of the project against the plan and your vision of the project and personal success. The completion report should summarise the expected completion date and any revisions that may be necessary to achieve this. The completion report may also include forecasting produced by your scheduling software.
You should ideally aim to include the following aspects:
- A brief update of how the project originated (why, the benefits, who benefits, consequences of not running this project, etc.)
- Convey accurate, complete, and timely information to the stakeholders
- Reflect the true facts of the project’s progression *
- Track all the scope changes and revisions
- A summary of the project's performance (i.e. Cost Baseline and EVM calculations for that point in time, along with any other relevant information (e.g. Burn Down chart, Goal Tree, etc.)
- Facilitate problem-solving and decision-making
- Confirm that the project is on track in all respects
2. Power Point presentation
This is Power Point presentation of the written report. You are required to perform, in person a professional update to your key stakeholders.
- Particular care should be taken with regard to grammar, referencing, and presentation style.
- Please include the MS Project project file if applicable, walk the viewer through the key phases of the project, and remember to include the cost baseline and EVM for that point in time.
- Presentation maximum 7 minutes.
Hints and Tips (Very important)
APA 7threferencing standards will apply to all parts of this assessment.
Students are instructed to include the page number in both in-text and end-of-text referencing.Failure to do this may result in an academic integrity enquiry being made on your latest assignment submission(s). e.g:
Crothers & Santella, p. 6, 2018
Use paragraph number or section heading for electronic sources with no page number. e.g. (Basu & Johnes,2007, para. 4)
Marking Criteria
- Scholarly skills such as the breadth of research
- Communication skills
- Project framework includes stakeholder analysis and management, risk assessment, communication plan and either a schedule and cost baseline or storyboard with points.
Task 2
Integrated communication Overall oral communication skills. The use of functional language to suit the given context, to connect content and to convey discipline-specific meaning.
High Distinction
The oral communication integrates functional language in a sophisticated and nuanced manner with the given context to create extensive and complex connections with project outcomes and convey discipline-specific meaning.
/10 pts
Execute project management framework.
High Distinction
Explanation of rigorous team processes, excellent project management framework that includes outstanding stakeholder and communication analysis, and outstanding analysis of ethical practice.
Details of project are attached
Project Contract
Project Proposal.